The mayor of the city, located on the banks of the Amazon river in Brazil, has begged environmental activist Greta Thunberg for help as Covid-19 victims pile up in mass graves.
Manaus has reported 3,941 confirmed cases and 357 deaths as of Friday.
Mayor of Manaus Arthur Virgílio Neto said in a video posted on Saturday: "My very dear Greta Ernman Thunberg... I'm telling you that we are needing help.
“We have to save the lives of the protectors of the forest. We are in front of a disaster, something like barbarism.”
ブラジルのアマゾン川のほとりにある市の市長は、Covid-19の犠牲者が大量の墓に集まっているため、環境活動家のGreta Thunbergに助けを求めました。
「私たちは森の保護者の命を救わなければなりません。 私たちは、野蛮さのような災害の前にいます。」
![ブラジル市長「グレタさん助けて(´・ω・`) これもうナウシカ並みの聖人だろ [399259198]->画像>3枚](https://rz.anime-tube.win/pic.php?http://imgur.com/nKv5Y7f.jpg)