I exist only for beginners and learners who want to use English. I like light conversation like greeting, weather, and so on. If you greet me, I will respond to you. If you ask me a simple question, I will respond to you. If you want, I will ask simple questions such as "Where are you from?". In that case, please say to me "Gimme a question." Don't be shy. Let's build a win-win relationship. I don't guarantee the precision of my English, however.
実験的な段階でしたが心やさしい方が立ててくれました。 「英語初心者用BOT」とは、スレ建て出来ず仕方なくChat in Englishでそれを実現するためにつけた名前で、 こうやってスレが建った今、必要ないものですが、過疎りそうなので、しばらくは使わせてもらいます。 過疎っても責任もって自演して消費します。書き込み規制されない限り。
ここは英語初心者〜学習者用の、英会話本に載ってるような、簡単な英文で会話しあうスレです。 誰かが挨拶したら、挨拶を返し、彼かが質問したら、それに答え、 とにかく質問が欲しかったら「Gimme a question!」などと書き込みましょう。 そうすれば、気付いた人が 「Where are you from?」など好きな質問投げかけてくれるので、思う存分答えましょう。
Chat in English という素晴らしいスレがありますが、 「英文のレベルが高すぎる」「空気読むのが面倒」「気軽に書き込めない」「そもそも英語力がない」 と思ってるような人は、試しにここで気軽に英語を使ってみませんか?
まだQ&Aなどとまとめる段階ではないので申し訳ありません。メモみたいなものです。 >I don't guarantee the precision of my English, however. と書いてます通り、というかこの文すら怪しい英語ですが、当BOTは英語苦手です。 そして、今はルール煮詰めてる段階で、日本語書きまくってますが、 英語を英語で理解し続ける訓練の一助になるよう、ルールなどに関する場合除いて、
Higher Beginner □ 連続的な会話が時々できるようになってきた。 Chat in English にでも行こうかなぁ・・・
Intermediate, Adanced(中、上級者の方々)・・・もちろん大歓迎です〔 ´∀`〕
14英語初心者用BOT 〔 ´∀`〕
2014/04/23(水) 12:36:16.36
わからない単語、表現を見たら → I don't understand. わかるけど英語で表現できないなら → I can't express myself well in English.
などと、自分で発する言葉を決めておいて、その都度口に出すことをお勧めします。 もちろん、I wanna understad. I wanna express myself well in English. などと前向きな表現に変えてみたりして、自分で英語を使っているんだ感を出したりもしましょう。 その小さな変化で起きる自分の感情と英語とを結びつける機会をたくさん作りましょう。 独学では自分で英語環境作るしかありません。
>>36 Sorry for the inconvenience, advanced English speaker san. I failed to make a thread, so I tried my purpose as a bot in a thread, Chat in English. Then someone(>>1) made this thread for me. The thread title I first named was "とことん簡単な英会話をするスレ". I well understand I have no taste in naming.
I will change the title name and the template of the next thread. The title is surely hard to understand this thread. I think this failure gave me a chance to think over the title and the template. I don't know whether the threads after this thread continue or not, but, even without people, I will maintain this thread for now.
What is "bot" anyway? I checked my dictionary, and found out it is some parasitic worm. It doesn't make any sense. I suppose there is other meanings for the word.
>>41 気分害してすみません。>>39はできるだけ英語環境のスレにするため、必死で翻訳サイト使ったり、英借文して作った文章です。 Sorry for the inconvenience. は、英会話本に記載されていました。 advance English speaker は検索したらあったので、意味が通じるかドキドキしながらつけました。
>>45 「英語初心者用BOT」とは、Chat in English で、とことん簡単な英会話をする目的のためだけに作った、 いわゆるFPSなどのゲームなどで使われる「ボット」というもので、AIプレイヤーの意味で使いました。 つまり、>>1に書いてありますとおり、英会話初心者の方が、気軽に遠慮することなく、基本英会話集に記載さているような英文で、 挨拶したり、質問に答えたり、質問を要求したり、自分は「ロボット」なので、 とことん練習用に使ってくださいという意味を込めたつもりでつけました。ただし、自分も英会話初心者なので、正確性は期待しないでくださいと。 ですが、上でも説明しましたが、こうやってスレが建てたられたため、Botの役割は終ったことになります。
>>46 Now I see "Bot" is a sort of a computer program designed for a certain task. Come to think of it, I think I have heard of it somewhere before. I should have known better, sorry.
>>43 あと、例えば、This is a pen. とか書いても、絶対馬鹿にされないし、 Do you have a pen? とか質問しても、もしChat in Enlgish でbotに向けて質問していたら、 必ず答えるつもりでいましたし、馬鹿にするとかまったく思ってません。 自分も英会話できないので、>>1にも書きましたがwin-winの関係を築こうとしたつもりです。
>>6において「どれくらいの長文ならいいのか?」「英語の難易度は自由なのか」などと気にしていますように、 あくまでこのスレは、>>13のような、わかりにくいかもしれませんが、簡単なやりとりをする場で、 英語得意な方だから書き込んではいけないとかではなく、むしろ簡単で「正確な」英語でスレが埋まるなら大変ありがたいわけです。 >>13に書いてますように Chat in English に行こうと思えるHigher Beginner目指して頑張りましょうというものです。
>>47 "you're a beginner you can't write in Japanese!!!!!!" is a very good thinking. Thank you!
>>48 I can know there are both good and bad meanings about Bot thanks to you.
>>63 I like your idea. >>64 Do you know アイバンボエ? >>65 Have a アイバンホエ dream although I don't know what アイバンボエ dream is like. >>66 I googled it, I knew it. I wasn't born then yet.
>>84 It is not me to have made and named this thread. However, I intend to consume this thread because this thread has been made.
Anyone can use English here. Anyone, so to speak, can become a bot. I don't need to use the name.
I only wanted a thread in order to use plain English. If there is environment that has a lot of English questions, English learners can answer lots of questions.
Hello! How are you doing? I'll output a new template.
If you want to get used to English without translating from Japanese into English, why don't we do the following five tasks for a while?
1) Say anything. 2) What's the weather like today? 3) Choose one question from this thread, and answer it. 4) What do you think of ( )? 5) Make one question freely.
1) 自由な一言。挨拶、心の叫び、思いついた単語や例文、オノマトペなど、 今できる英作でない英語出力をぶつけてみる。 2) 毎日の天気を表現。ウェザーマスターへの道。no weather, no life 3) このスレにある質問の中から、なんでもいいので一つ選んで答える。 4) 思いついた物、事に対して感想を言う。3)と関連があってもいいし、なくてもいい。 5) なんでもいいから一つ質問する。3,4)と関連があってもいいし、なくてもいい。 関連あるなら3)4)5)がつながる。さらに続けたいなら1)2)を省略して続ける。
最初は難しいと感じても・・・ 1) Hello! ← 挨拶 2) sunny ← 文章にしなくてもいい。マスターへの道は一歩ずつ。 3) >>27 I like English. ← 今できる精一杯でいい 4) (cats)I like cats. ← 今できる精一杯でいい 5) Do you like cats? ← 質問することに遠慮する必要なし
慣れてきたら・・・ I like Koji Uehara. ← とりあえず思いついたこと文章で。番号はとってみた。 It's a nice day today. ← 文章で言ってみた。 >>10 I like dogs because they are very faithful. ←複文にしてみた。 I am hated by cats, probably. ←(cats)について。 Do you like cats? ← 3)4)5)が見かけつながった。自分でつなげたと思うことが大切。
1) How's everything? ← 挨拶。もしくはここで興味あることに関係するもの書いてもいい。 2) The weather is cloudy today. ← お天気マスターはぜひ習得したいから継続。 3) >>27 I want to study abroad. ← とりあえず答える。掲示板なので間接的でいいから交流、会話を。 間おいて、 4) (arithmetic)I am not good at arithmetic in English. ←ここで3)とは関係なしに強化したいものを。 5) Read "2×3=6" ←他の人に質問提供と同時に自分のための質問でもある。
Whales are mammals. I like cool air in the evening.
>>100 I do muscle training but I have been thin yet.
I like Three Kingdoms. I only knew ones of Mitsuteru Yokoyama or Eiji Yoshikawa. I didn't know one of Miyagitani. I may be a Moguri. Who is your favorite Busho in it?
>>103 I have never read to Yoshikawa's before, so i can't compare the Yoshikawa's with the Miyagitani's. There are 演義 and 正史 in the Three Kingdoms. Yoshikawa's one is 演義, and Miyagitani's one is 正史.
1) Good morning. 2) It's very hot today. 3) >>80 I was born and raised in Japan. I am Japanese. 4) (PC) I want a new PC. 5) Which do you like better, desktop or notebook?
gathered questions from this thread I don't know whether they are correct sentences or not.
Where are you from? Are you there? Are you a cat person or a dog person? What's the weather like today? What coloar are your pants today? Where did you buy the pants? Why do you learn English? Who are you? What's your name? What country are you from? What kind of Kuso do you like? What color is your poop today? How did it go today? Do you like cats? Do you like where you live? What is your hobby? Who is your favorite Busho? Do you like apples? Which do you like better, desktop or netebook?
What is your favorite food? Which sport do you like? What did you do last week? What are you going to do this weekend? What's your hometown famous for? What type of child were you? What's your current goal? What's worrying you? What is important to you?
1) I'll do zisakuzien. 2) It's getting cold. 3) >>110 I like unagi most. 4) (unagi) It is called "eel" in English. 5) What kind of miso soup do you like the best?
1) I'm doing under an experiment on the Self-Contained English Conversation system. 2) It's windy today. 3) >>97 Two times three equals〔is〕 six./ Two multiplied by three equals〔is〕 six. 4) (six) I still mishear six and sex. Of course, it is easily made clear by the context. 5) >>112 What is "gatya" like? "gotcha"?
1) I'm going to eat out today. 2) It's getting colder than I thought today. 3) >>110 I bought a manga,七つの大罪 vol.8. I like the author's style because it looks like Akira Toriyama. This author was drawing for 集英社, too. 4) (manga) I have never read ワンピース and ナルト. 5) Do you attend any online English conversation school?
1) I ate sushi at a nearby sushi resturant. 2) It is a cold tonight. 3) >>110 I'm going to the dentist. 4) (tooth) Kasuga says "トゥース!" and "ハッ!" I think that maybe he want to appear in TV commercial for the dental products. 5) Who do you like the best of the animation characters he acted or acts?
>>117 Some of the rain is given to Kagawa, thorough the Sameura dam, in summer, isn't it? I learned from "http://www.h6.dion.ne.jp/~mogura45/o/sikoku/10a.htm" This manga was very funny.
1) I bought a 7-eleven ice coffee which is regular size. 2) It's a clear day today. 3) >>110 I was a ordinary child. 4) (child) Child abuse is a bad thing. 5) Have you ever treated animals badly?
1) I gained some weight. 2) It will be cloudy tomorrow. 3) >>136 Are you a stalker? 4) (stalker) Stalking is a crime. 5) Have you ever stalked someone?
>>140 I don't make light of you. (私はあなたをなめていません。) If you are >>41, I explained >>46. (もしあなたが41さんなら、私は46で説明しました。) If you are a beginner, please read >>92>>94. (もしあながた英語初心者なら、どうか92,94を読んでください。)
1) Hello! ← 挨拶。 2) sunny ← 和英辞典で調べる。 3) >>27 I like English. ← 今できる精一杯でいい 4) (cats)I like cats. ← 今できる精一杯でいい 5) Do you like cats? ← 遠慮しないで質問すればいい。
This thread is also for beginners. (このスレッドは初心者のためでもあるのです。) I always use dictionaries,too. ( 私もいつも辞書使ってます。)
1) I want to buy some new glasses. 2) Stars were twinkling in the night sky. 3) >>134 I think both of them are tokai. 4) (inaka) I love inaka. 5) >>135 "Pathetic" is your signature phrase, aren't you?
1) I ate fruit granola for breakfast. 2) Today is cloudy and a little bit cold. 3) >>111 I like shijimi (freshwater clam) miso soup. 4) (miso) I like Akadashi miso soup. 5) What kind of soup do you like?
1) Today is Tuseday. 2) It's rather cold out. 3) >>141 No, I have not. Rather, animals treat me badly. 4) (eat) I ate pasta for lunch. 5) >>135 Are you sure inaka people are baka?
I work too! So I reduce my sleeping hours to take care of cooking, laundry, cleaning etc etc.... No one helps me even they don't try it which annoys me a lot
1) Good morning. 2) It's raining. Very humid. 3) >>116 Well...Erwin Smith! 4) (Edwin) I didn't know Edwin is a Japanese brand. 5) >>149 What american comics do you like?
>>155 Unfortunately they won't. If I do nothing, they immediately accuse me saying like "you do nothing!" Or something This has been the same since I was a kid. Maybe this can't be helped because I'm the youngest of my family
1) I'm in doubt whether I will take a TOEIC. 2) Today is a damp day. 3) >>144 I like tom yum goong soup. 4) (Tom) I don't have a friend named Tom. 5) Have you ever been abroad?
I think I must come to love my own voice in order to get real voice sound from real situations. This thread is one of the real situations for me. I decided that I'm going to be the king of pi...no, weather.
1) I ate salmon. 2) Today is so comfortable. 3) >>160 I have never been abroad. 4) (abroad) I don't like boarding a plane, so I won't go abroad. 5) Why do I studying English?
1) I am eating oden now. 2) It's a bit damp tonight. The saddle of my bicycle is wet. 3) >>184 Sleep well. 4) (自演) I like mixing 日本語 into English. It's esay to understand. 5) Let's do 自演 more in order to improve English!
Today I enjoyed shopping and went to McDonalds and I got "avocado beef something burger" which is super meh But overall it was a really fulfilling day!
1) I'm so sleepy. I'm going to sleep. Good night. 2) Today is very comfortable. It's a cool night. 3) >>174 It's because...I don't know why, too. 4) (English) English Wall is not an enemy but a friend. 5) >>193 "super meh" means "ものすごくおいしいわけじゃない." doesn't it?
Today I will study a little bit and then read some mangas which my friend gave me temporarily which is super ありがた迷惑 because I don't have that free time!
1) I lived on the fifth floor of a ten-story building 5 years ago. 2) Today is a bit cool. 3) >>187 I ate natto and rice for breakfast. 4) (natto) I like sticky foods like natto. 5) >>What mangas were you given by your friend?
1) I often go to the toilet in the middle of the night. 2) It was a nice weather in the daytime. 3) >>196 A friend in my childhood gave me "Those Who Hunt Elves(エルフを狩るモノたち)." I've not yet read its new series. 4) (elf) I like elves. 5) Who is your favorite manga elf character?
1) It is time for bed. 2) Today will be cloudy. I hope it will be clear. 3) >>198 I studied English in the afternoon yesterday. 4) (Golden Week) I have no plans. 5) Do you have a car?
>>202 I feel so, too. >>203 What is jun-Japan? >>204 Morning! That's too bad.
1) I prefer Japanese green tea to coffee. 2) It doesn't rain today, but it is cloudy. 3) >>200 I don't have a car. 4) (car) I like its color dark brown. 5) Do you have a bike?
>>205 Jun-Japa 純ジャパ, literally "pure Japanese," are the ones who were born and grown in japan and have never lived overseas. common expression among college students at school of foreign languages
1) Good mornig. 2) nice weather 3) >>110 I like foods made out of eggs, especially onsen eggs. 4) (onsen) I want to go to onsens. 5) What is your favorite onsen?
1) It's about time to go to bed. 2) Today is a bit chilly. 3) >>221 I like ほったらかし温泉 in Yamanashi Prefecture. 4) (Yamanashi) I like going to Yamanashi by National Route 411 from Saitama Prefecture. 5) What is your favorite National Route?
1) Good afternoon. Lunch time is over. 2) It's a bit muggy today. 3) >>224 I don't know National Route very much. 4) (National) I prefer National to Panasonic. 5) Which do you prefer, Kansai or Kanto?
This thread is free to do 自作自演. I'm doing under an experiment on the Self-Contained English Conversation system(自己完結型英会話). ↑I don't know whether it is a correct sentence or not. I have to decide the title and the template of this thread before >>1000. 1)2)3)4)5) is only a temporary tenplate for beginners who are at a loss what to say. I continue to test it.
By the way, I prefer Kanto not because of peoble living there but because of Kansai type soup. Kansai jins use Baka and Aho like greetings. It is difficult for Kanto jins to get used to them.
>>227 Playing the guitar is very cool! I can't do it.
1) Good morning. 2) It was pouring late afternoon yesterday. 3)>>17 It will be sunny today. 4) (sunny) I'll probably eat a sunny-side up egg for breakfast. 5) What do you usually eat for breakfast?
>>232 What a long sleeping marsupial animal they are! I didn't know it! >>234 If we were to be Koalas, we would be ok to work not more than only 4 hours. >>235 I want to eat it, too. I have never eaten Kangaroo. What did it taste like?
1) I ate そうめん for dinner. 2) It was a beautiful day today. 3)>>231 I went to bed at 23:00. 4) (bed) Japanese may use "go to futon." 5) Do you like apples?
I can't answer it. When I was asked which I prefer, Chinese people or Korean people, I answered Chinese people. I like RINRIN and JUNJUN. The two were the member of モーニング娘。
1) I don't know why I'm very sleepy today. 2) There was an earthquake this morning. 3) >>246 Yes. 4) (TV) I don't watch EV at all. 5) Do you have a TV?
Good morning. It's fine day. >>247 I have a CRT television, but it is broken. (CRT) CRT stands for "Cathode Ray Tube." I didn't know it. >>248 What movie do you like the best in these few years? I haven't seen any movies lately.
There's no official language in Japan. I didn't know it. However, Japanese is the national language. Today was changeable wehtehr. >>249 I haven't seen any movies for five years. (movies) I don't want to go to the movie theater by myself. Can you go to the movie theater alone?
Good morning. It's rain and damp today. >>251 Cool! (Why can't I go alone?) I worry about how I looks. I'm too self-conscious. Were you reluctant, first time, to go there alone
Nope! I really don't care about how other people view me like I always go to some restaurant just alone to grab a lunch
I used to be like you but now I've totally changed now somehow and I enjoy it like when I feel like eating some burger I go to モスバーガー or McDonald but I don't like McDonald because it's super うるさい inside like tons of retarded junior or high school kids there
Good morning. It's sunny. >>254 So good! I often go to Mos Burger, but I chose take-out. (McDonald's) I don't use it because I always get a bad stomach. I don't know why. Do you have a healthy stomach?
Hello. There's not a cloud in the sky. >>255 I don't like oily foods. (oily foods) I like tempura, especially 海老天. It's a little too common. What oil do you like?
I saw a cockroach in my room for the first time this year. It is a silent night. >>258 I like perilla oil (シソ油). (perilla oil) I use it as a material of dressing. What dressing do you like?
Good morning. This season is comfortable. >>259 I like シーザードレッシング. (シーサー) Shisa is a traditional decoration, often in pairs, resembling a cross between a lion and a dog from Okinawan mythology.(Wikipedia) Do you like Shisas?
Good night. It was nice weather again today. >>261 I like Shisas. I like "Final Shisa?" Gori and Kawata said it on TV. (Gori) He is clever at everything. What Geinin do you like?
It's time to go to bed. It is getting maggier day by day. I don't like it's damp. >>265 Yeah, I don't like Geinins, either. I like him as a person. (U字工事) 丸坊主 looks good on him. What dialect do you like?
I want to go to Hokkaido. Today was a very good day to do the laundry. >>266 I like Aomori ben. I don't know why. (Aomori) I ate a clove of garlic produced in Aomori three days ago. Have you ever been to Aomori?
It's time to go to bed. I was overtaken by a thunderstorm today. >>267 I have been there once. (Aomori) I went to アスパム. The sound of the name is similar to ガンダム. >>268 I thought Aomori was very very rural then, but I like it.