while not online station your troops at me, オンラインで無い時はわたしに軍隊を預けてくれ i have super cast up and aromor armor tools this way わたしには強い味方がいて武器も持ってる when not online you can save troops for 12hrs オンラインで無い時は軍隊を12時間維持できる
よろしくお願いします。 I really enjoy dry cider, so this sounds tasty! We don't really classify beer as "dry" in the US, so I wonder how it varies from a typical beer. I imagine it has a crisper cooler taste.
@“It is kinds of want be refugee & want job & enjoy hobby in here English trainee.” Is writing right?
AI am also not confident, but if I were you I would write as follows: “I want to go abroad to look for a job, enjoying at the same time my hobby to study English here.”
I interpret your "refuge" as above, and think it to be right. if not, your thought is so twisted.
BYour translation seems to me to be very different from the original. The term refugee is used when you are literally forced to go overseas politically or financially. Japan is, compared to other countries, relatively wealthy, so it seems better not to use the word so lightly, especially when in the situation like you or me. After reading the Japanese sentences, I made another translation. “there is a range of the people, some of whom is to go overseas, others to learn English as a hobby or get a job.” Previously I took the phrase "kinds of" as throw-away words like "I kind of got drunk."
お手数ですがお願いいたします。 Well, I'm also working on other things, such as starting up a business and trying to finish up a body form I've made a couple years back; it's made of duct tape, but to make it sturdier, I plan to transform it via paper mache.
regarding hotel rooms, American tourists are, generally speaking, ''view-conscious'' while the Japanese are 'bath-conscious.' Americans are un happy if they cannot command a nice view from their room but Japanese are unhap-py if they don't find a bath-tub in their room.
regarding hotel rooms, American tourists are, generally speaking, ''view-conscious'' while the Japanese are ''bath-conscious.'' Americans are unhappy if they cannot command a nice view from their room but Japanese are unhap-py if they don't find a bath-tub in their room.
Don’t push yourself too hard because of me. If you like, we could start writing letters at last. I could start, so you’ll have some more time until I manage to send my first letter. I might have your address for that though. How does that sound?
お願いします ^^ I am being eaten alive. I just killed four mosquitoes on my legs and saw another three fly away and try to come back for more. I am not safe in shorts.
The body and wing are ever so sleek Some say that the noise is quite unique Eight, Twelve & Five point Four Get behind the wheel you'll always want more Its origin begins in the land of the sun Figure out the numbers and then you'll be done
質問です tomorrow , the opportunities may appear the seizure of which or the neglect of which may have fatal consequences
これが文法的によくわかりません the seizure of which がひと塊りになっているんでしょうか?関係代名詞のこのような用法は何度か見たことがありますが、イマイチようわかりません この構文に名前は付いているのでしょうか whichはopportunitiesにかかっているのでしょうか? そうだとすると読者に不親切すぎやしませんか?
少し長いですがお願いいたします。 Haha well that is good, but all of my tattoos are easily hidden, because even though a lot of people have them, when a person tries to get a job, the employers will not hire people, usually, that have a lot of tattoos. It depends on the job, but nothing professional, like an office job, unless the tattoos can be covered. So all of mine, no one would know that I have them, unless I wear sleeve-less shirts or short shorts.
お願いいたします But then you asked about my camera and after I thought about it, I felt like you said that because you did, so I wanted to be sure you were just asking, not wanting to face chat.
よろしくお願いいたします。 The wiring in my apartment is all sorts of fucked up. Been here almost a week and they finally sent somebody to fix it yesterday, but he didn't bring anything with him. He thought it would be as simple as flipping a breaker, which I've tried. So today, he comes back with a multimeter and a screw driver, flips breakers, light switches and tests the outlets and wiring in the light switches for two hours before finally calling in some help. Boss man is furious because of the wiring, rightly so. Half of my apartment is not wired properly.
和訳をよろしくお願いします。 This is one of the many sites here in Miami Florida for the car meets and hangouts. This particular day it was dead, but still whatever. It was still fun somewhat but soon I will upload better vids of the really packed hangouts.
>>68 Thinks to herself about his deep brown eyes Oh he's so beautiful inside and out Picks up a daisy pretty bright and happy I don't know, seems pretty truthful to me
和訳をよろしくお願いします。 A strong supporter of Regionalism, a movement in American painting that focused on local, realistic themes over abstract ones, this painting showed two ordinary, hard-working, farmers from the Iowa plains.
You can only help a little editing is [wiki.2ch.net] if serious if.
Q2:Hi, jim-san.
I run a website which don't have any affiliates. This time ,the board I often reprint will be probably forbiddened to reproduce. It is not because I intended to earn money but because I would like to spread my hobby more and I could enjoy it with more people whose hobby is the same that I have reproduced 2ch. For me ,it is not too much to say that it is a reason for living. I'd like to do as ever. When you can permit me to reproduce 2ch ,it would be helpful if you could tell me what I have to do.
Q3:Hi,Jim-san. Hi,codemonkey-san.
>>Q1 Correction:
[wiki.2ch.net] you sure? I can help a little Japanese language editing.
A2:>>Q2 There is a difference between forbidden, and reserved.
Q4:What external wiki of Non'afi there from previous users of 2ch volunteer happens?
A strong supporter of Regionalism, a movement in American painting that focused on local, realistic themes over abstract ones, this painting showed two ordinary, hard-working, farmers from the Iowa plains. abstract 本来の意味の抽象である事に留意。抽象、捨象の抽象。 hard-working, farmers 重労働の農夫、農家、農業機械がなくすべて手作業か馬力。 https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=regionalist+painting&lr=lang_ja&hl=ja&biw=1258&bih=966&tbs=lr:lang_1ja&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=FRSCVbriLIL28QWY9LfwDw&sqi=2&ved=0CBsQsAQ&dpr=0.9
He also said developers plan to leverage the PS4's popularity to create more new Dragon Quest in their native Japan. "Using the PlayStation platform is one big way of doing that. So we'll look at how the game does and how that's working, and then maybe use that to think seriously about which of the previous Dragon Quest titles we want to bring out to other regions."
英検準一級の長文からの抜粋です。 They are tamed using a method known as ``crush,`` in which young animals are locked in a small space,starved,and beaten until they obey human commands.
大体訳はわかるのですが、構造が難しいように感じました。usingやin which の用法や 訳し方を教えていただければありがいたいです。 スレチなら申し訳ありません。
[A deaf child listened] It was a warm day in the early summer of 1814. A young clergyman, whose name was Thomas Gallaudet, slowly sat down on the steps in front of his house in Hartford, Conneticut. He had just walked from downtown to his home on Prospect street, only a short distance, but he felt tired. For a while he watched his younger brothers and sisters playing a game of tag on the lawn with some knee, he thought how nice it would be to run over the green grass as they did. Even as a child he was not well enough to enjoy running and jumping like other children. All at once, at the edge of the lawn, he noticed a little girl who was not taking part in the game. She looked about eight or nine years of age and was wearing a neat pink dress. What caught his attention was her strangely blank expression. She just stared at the commotion aroud her. She didn't appear ill, however. Why didn't she play with the other children? Thomas called out to his brother Teddy. As the nine-year-old Teddy hoped onto the steps, Thomas questioned him about the little girl in the pink dress. "Ho, she is Alice from down the street - Dr. Cogswell's daughter." Teddy said. "She's deaf. she can't hear or speak. She doesn't even know that her name is Alice." Teddy ran back to the laughing children, and Thomas walked across the lawn toward Alice Cogswell. On the way, he bent down to pink a tiny violet in the grass. He held it out to her. She took it warily, but she let Thomas hold her hand and lead her to the steps, where they both sat down. Alice rubbed the violet softly over her eyelids and then held it under her nose. Thomas looked down at Alice. She was pretty child with long, curly blond hair, and nothing seemed wrong with her. Who could have gussed that she lived without words in a silent prison?
Suddenly he had an idea. Putting his hat on Alice's head, he smiled at her. He picked up a stick and drew the letters H-A-T in the earth. Then he took the hat and put it directly above the letters. A beginning, he asked himself, or a wasted effort? Alice giggled, a strange high sound. Waving the violet he had given her in the air, she dropped it into a pocket in his waistcoat. Once more he smiled at the child. Catching her eye, he pointed straight at the hat. Then he pointed to the letters. Carefully he retracted the letters H-A-T with the stick. Then he pointed again at the hat. This time Alice tapped her shoes on the steps and wiggled her fingers. She must have thought, Thomas later wrote, that they were playing a game. First he would do a trick, then so would she. How could teach her? By late afternoon Thomas Gallaudet and little girl Alice Cogswell were good friend. Having younger brothers and sisters, Thomas felt at ease with children. Also, because his poor health had kept him apart from other children, he had a feeling of kindship with this child who could not hear. At first Alice must have wondered why he kept touching his hat and pointing to the drawing in the earth. Then her wondering and her delight with Thomas must have at least let a door open just wide enough for her to see the link between the H-A-T and the object that the smiling man had put on her head. Alice suddenly grabbed the hat and pointed to the word drawn in the earth. She tapped the hat and jumped off the steps in excitement. H-A-T and hat? The link had been made. Leaping to the ground, Thomas swung the child into his arms. His tiredness was gone. What an incredible day! He wanted to shout. Now Alice looked at her new friend. She frantically pushed the stick into Thomas's hand and began thumping her fists on her own shoulders. Me? Me? Me? she seemed to be saying.
Again Thomas smiled. With the stick he started to write in the earth a alarge letter A, the very first letter of Alice Cogswell's name.
That evening, Dr. cogswell seemed unable to believe what had happened. He adored his daughter - Thomas could see that - and he spoke of the scarlet fever that had robbed her of her hearing at the age of two. The words that she had known she forgot. By the time she was four, she was judged a deaf-mute - unable to hear or speak - and was thought incapable of understanding. Dr. Cogswell had never accepted this judgement on his daughter. He didn't believe she was mentally impaired. He was certain that intelligence lived within his child, even if it lived under lock and key. But Cogswells had hesitated to send Alice to one of the few European schools for the deaf. Her helplessness frightened them, and they had tried without success to educate her themselves. But now, Dr. Cogswell saw that young Mr. Gallaudet had wrought some kind of miracle in one afternoon. He exclaimed with joy, "We don't have to send Alice to an European School! She won't have to live in ignorance!" Then he turned to Thomas and expressed his hope that he would communicate to help Alice and become her teacher. By supper, Thomas had left Dr. Cogswell's house with two French volumes entitled "Theory of Signs", written by a French priest, the abbe Sicard.
The next morning Thomas took Alice for a walk. Excitedly she raced from object to object, looking to Thomas for the words. He spelled each word to her with his fingers, as he had learned from the books Dr. Cogswell had given him. Tomorrow he would begin teaching her signs that created an image. The sign for baby, for instance, was made by rocking the right hand with the left arm as if holding a baby. Many signs, however, were less obvious. The word lonely was indicated by drawing the right index finger down across the lips, with the palm facing left. From then on Thomas spent his weekends preaching in New England churches and his weekdays teaching Alice Cogswell language spoken by hand and not by mouth. His younger brothers and sisters soon joined in, practicing the signs and finger alphabet, and applauding Alice when she learned a new word. She learned almost twenty words a day, each word urging her further through the door and beyond the wall that had kept her apart. People often stopped to watch the group of children tracing pictures in the air.
In April of 1815, Thomas was asked to speak at an evening meeting of Hartford merchants and educators at Dr. Cogswell's home. Alice had advanced so rapidly that her father wanted Thomas to describe his teaching. There were 84 deaf-mutes, the doctor said, in Connecticut alone; thousands more across the country were either deaf or hearing-impaired. No school yet existed for these unfortunate children. Perhaps Thomas would inspire the men at the meeting to found such a school.
That evening Thomas explained to his audience how Alice had learned to make her fingers speak in a silent language. She could understand nouns, verbs, and adjectives, and she could even put sentences into past, present,and future tenses. At nine o'clock, a sleepy Alice in flannel nightgown and cotton slippers was carried into the room by her father. She sat on a rug by the fireplace. Thomas stopped beside her and tapped her hands. Gently his own fingers asked his student to tell the ten gentlemen ofHartford how she felt about learning words. Shyly she smiled. Alice's right hand rose, opening like a flower on its stem. The little finger of her right hand touched her chest to indicate herself, and then her index finger, with her palm up, made a clockwise circle. She tapped her forehead and curling her thumb beneath the first joint of her middle and index finger, Alice lifted her index finger and placed her hand in front of her forehead. Thomas kissed the top of her head and turned to the men to translate. I always want - understand, she had said. A vote was taken, and all the ten merchants and educators agreed to try to collect enough money to open the first school in America for deaf students. As he was leaving, Thomas stopped suddenly and clapped his hands in two sharp bursts of sound. Surprised, the men turned to look at him Thomas explained that two claps was French sign language for the word school. "Clap with me" he invited the men. Echoing behind him came a series of double handclaps on behalf of the deaf.
Funny thing...I've seen others post this and they are attacked viciously. Apparently it is now intolerant and bigoted to be straight and proud in this up side down,politically correct society we live in. I invite everyone who is straight and unashamed to post this on your wall.
I smell the sarcasm from here! :D I live in the northern part! Which ironically, is the rich part of Belgium, thanks to the way we are positioned! We have a diamond bank, and we have the second biggest haven of Europe! Quite impressive that you know so much about a small country like mine! Especially because you're from Asia! I woudn't think Asians care that much about European culture, I even heard some Asians don't know Europe exists, but that all white people are American, am I right ? :D
政治、宗教に踏み込むのは良くないが ベルギーの歴史的成り立ちをさらに勉強するのが良いかも。 北部は経済的に豊かなんでしょ。 Which ironically, is the rich part of Belgium, thanks to the way we are positioned! 南部と北部、皮肉を込めればどっちが豊かなんだろ、幸せな事に私たちは(北部に)住んでる。 と言ってる。 フランス語が難しいというのもフランス語圏の人達とつきあうのが難しいと言外に言ってるのかもしれない。
お願いいたします。 yes, but we had a meeting with HR and she made herself look like a fool because she was getting after me for something they even thought I didn't do wrong. So, they have more ammunition if they want to get rid of her now. It's just a matter of time. I'm sending out resumes in the meantime to make myself feel better.
>>113>>117 Which ironically, is the rich part of Belgium, thanks to the way we are positioned! 「thanks to 〜」 の意味は「〜のおかげで」だから、ここのwhichは疑問視ではなく関係代名詞にしか読めないや。 「皮肉なことに北部は、位置関係のおかげで、ベルギーの豊かな地域なんだ。」
お願いします。意訳OKです。 If I could begin to be, Half of what you think of me, I could do about anything, I could even learn how to love. When I see the way you act, Wondering when I'm coming back, I could do about anything, I could even learn how to love like you.
Working upon traditionally established concepts, most of which come from the field of industrial economics such as installed or excess capacity, is a sensitive issue when pursued from a different viewpoint. In particular, focussing on industries such as wind power, where the non-used capacity of production surpasses the lack of market demand, is even more exciting. This complexity therefore deserves brief clarification. Commonly, installed capacity is defined as the set of resources that are available to firms producing goods or services. This could be part of a strategy to mitigate the effects of demand uncertainty or it could even be a market competition strategy.
For wind power players, none of these strategies is, in fact, attractive. Lack of demand, or demand uncertainty, are far from being severe problems to these players. Indeed, they have priority in the dispatch of the electricity to the grid. Therefore, it is worthwhile noting that the electricity generated from renewables has priority access to the grid as a result of EU Directive [1], and consequently market demand is not a constraint in using installed capacity. This framework, jointly with the guaranteed prices over long-term contracts, makes the second strategy pointless. This means that unused wind power installed capacity is a consequence of the absence of wind, which is the main production input, rather than lack of electricity demand or competition behaviour strategy. Moreover, another specificity of electricity is the great difficulty (if it is even possible) of storage, unlike most other goods and services. In short, idle capacity rather than excess capacity is the object of analysis.
Once the specificities of wind power installed capacity have been clarified, two possible options arise to analyse this issue: (i) focus on the share of installed wind capacity, which is effectively used (capacity factor); and (ii) focus on the share of installed wind capacity, which is idle. Unlike other authors, such as Boccard [2] and Yang et al. [3], who follow option (i), our insight was towards option (ii). The motivations for this choice are threefold. First, the paper is focused on explaining the installed capacity in wind power that is not actually used. As such, it seems to us appropriate to work upon idle capacity instead of upon the capacity that is really used. Second, for the policymakers, guidance is more attractive in order to understand the factors that are enhancing idle capacity so that it can be avoided. Third, from the economic point of view, economic inefficiency concerns, i.e. the opportunity cost of investments. These investments are not even used over long periods. This in- efficiency should be reduced or even eliminated. As stated above, the planned excess capacity is a well-known practice of strategic behaviour within the markets, which is vastly studied in the context of industrial economics. But the excess capacity is also economically inefficient. This inefficiency is of particular concern in capital intensive industries such as wind power, where the majority of costs are capital costs. In short, our option brings more read- ability to the results and enriches the debate and discussion.
The biggest danger to many animals is people.people want the animals for their fur,or for their meat,or they want to sell the animals as pets.Giant otters live in the Amazon rainforest. They are about 2 metres long,and they sleep in deep holes by the river. Giant otters live in family groups,and a group of otters will eat more than 30,000 fish a year. There are only about 100 giant otters now,because people wil pay a lot of money for their beautiful,thick fur. In the 1960s,people killed more than 60,000 giant otters in Brazil.
おねがします。 I really don't like the fact that I can't turn the buzzer off on my dryer. Seriously. Why do I need the buzzer when the dryer is so loud I can hear that it has stopped? I'm going to disable it tomorrow.
To this day, our social health depends upon our ability to rethink our collective understandings in the face of our own growth pressures as well as lessons coming from an ever-changing world.
The solutions that most theorists propose make the problem seem more tractable than it is. Because their solutiosn requirethe rejection of rival theories, they discount much of the disagreement that gives rise to the problem in the first place.
Our system shows only one payment reached us. Payment processors will often do a test transaction, and reverse itself shortly after. You can learn more about this process here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authorization_hold). These charges are often categorized by messaging such as pre-authorization, pending, temporary, test, etc next to the charge.
Could you please check to see if one or all of the extra charges to your bank account/credit card are posted amounts or if one or more are pending (which would indicate that one should disappear)?
If the charges posted to the account please let us know right away so we can get this resolved.
I also have two sick hedgehogs I am caring for. They have mange and all their prickles have fallen out. They look very ugly. I will look after them until their prickles grow back and then let them go back into the wild.
The Shenmue III Kickstarter reaches its deadline this Friday, which means we have only days and precious hours remaining to make Shenmue III the most funded video game in Kickstarter history. We've broken all other records, and with a concerted effort we can break this one too.
This one-off Quick Timed Event brings a new twist to the successful #SaveShenmue campaign, seeking to make your followers sit up, take notice, and actually pledge for a game they had no interest in before. Our mission here is to educate and inspire, and with your help we can achieve both on a grand scale.
This Wednesday, please return to this page at the following time in your location, for a globally synchronized launch of the #SaveShenmue QTE. You can join in at any time thereafter, but keep this in mind: the first 10 participants, plus 4 random others, will be entered into a raffle for a special prize to be announced very soon.
We promise that once you get here, it will all be VERY simple and easy to follow - just a few clicks - and the outcome very effective. It will be over in seconds, but you will need to be registered here on the site for it to work, so to avoid even the slightest delay you may want to take care of that now if you haven't already.
In the meantime, please help to promote this event to as many fans as possible before that countdown reaches zero, by sharing the image above and the link to TeamYu.net/QTE - let's deliver that final blow with an almighty Quick Timed Event like only Shenmue fans know how!
長文すいません。 Firms are cashing in on the success of Japan’s women’s soccer team ahead of the World Cup final, offering everything from dolls dressed in Nadeshiko kit to uniforms for dogs. And for fans of a certain kind, there’s even branded toilet paper. Nadeshiko, as the team is called, faces off against the United States in the Women’s World Cup final on Monday. Blue replica uniforms have long been a requisite when rooting for the national team. Tokyo-based Famous Co., which makes canine outfits, has given the trend a twist by making frilly ones for female dogs. It started making them during the Women’s World Cup in 2011, in which Nadeshiko quickly garnered laurels and a national following. The president of Famous, Sanae Muto, said there had been requests before the tournament for Nadeshiko dog outfits, but the company was unsure the investment would pay off. “Their popularity was not high, so we were kind of hesitant,” she said. As the team advanced, customers started asking if there were Nadeshiko uniforms for dogs and the firm came to realize there was a business opportunity, Muto said. It now makes frilly tutus, perfect for any Japanese pampered pooch. She said the Nadeshiko dog outfits are not exactly hot items in between World Cups. But as the season approached this year, more stores placed orders, so it prepared 20 times more than it produced in 2011. Tokyo-based toy-maker Tomy Co. released a limited-edition Nadeshiko Japan model of the popular Licca doll series in May.
詩集の一節なんですが But in the compensating night, in sleepless silence, one keeps listening,to one's own country, to her murmuring,her deathless deep. これおねがいできますでしょうか?
お願いします Can you send us a copy of the email you received containing the coupon discount? You can place your order and email us back with your Order number so that we could process a part refund for you or we can gladly place a manual order for you. You will be able to pay for the order through PayPal. Please tell us which products you would like to purchase and your shipping address. We will then give you the total cost (including shipping) and the payment instructions.
What may be most interesting, however, is that near the critical point a gel can be described in a universal mathematical language that seems to apply to all critical phenomena, even in the most disparate physical systems.
[Hook:] My niggas stack their money just to spend it Cause when you die you cannot take it with you If you ain't beefin' 'bout the money, then what's the problem? Don't worry about my niggas cause I got 'em My niggas stack their money just to spend it Cause when you die you cannot take it with you And if you ain't beefin' 'bout the money, then what's the problem? Don't worry about my niggas, Zoo I got 'em
On everything, for 17im wildin Treat my whole squad on an island Ziploc gang, bring a lighter It's gon' be a house party on this island Shit boom like M80s on this island It's a lot of trillionaires throwin' dollars Cause I'm pure hell, wildin' out on this island I do this too swell, my pockets too swell Come try the 100 gang and they'll shoot ya I do this for my squad, I do this for my gang I do this for my squad, I do this for my gang It’s Zoovier from the trap and ain't a damn thing change
1. I think movies beat ball games. 2. I first played baseball in high school. 3. I think a ball game beats a movie. 4. My favorite team is the New York Yankees.
I can't stop crying. I can't go on any longer. It's just too painful to see everyone moving forward in life and full of hope and happiness While I'm still stuck at the same place, forever. I'm far behind everyone and never can catch up. Compared to them, I'm so worthless and garbage, there's nothing good about me. I had been holding onto the hope of being able to be "normal" someday but now it turned out to be nothing but a false hope, I should give up everything and put an end to this painful sad lonely life. Because what's the point of living when all you can feel is just pain and hopelessness? So goodbye. thanks for everything mother. You're the only thing that kept me from throwing myself in front of train. I love you so much! I don't have nothing to say to my sister and father because they don't care about me and so I don't care about them either. So yeah. That's all I need to say. Bye
When he gives the go for those who are paying for their paint jobs now....send the money as SERVICE....not friend or family. Send enough to cover the fees and right at$135. Not saying not to trust him but I paid for the commission as services in case we have an issue. So again when you send it....PM me....don't update here....send me a PM and I'll track you from there. Those who want to pay the $30 to get it shipped right away let me know that too. I'll send his PayPal info when he is ready to go. Allow everyone to read this so it won't get bumped up in the conversation.
This cake is available in larger sizes than indicated please contact us either by email or phone with your specific request and one of our staff will be happy to assist you. The appearance of the cakes may differ slightly from the website photos, due to the creative licence of the chef, but the taste and appearance still remain of the highest standard. You can pick up your order 36 hours after ordering in-between 10am to 5pm seven days
>>174 なんだか陰鬱な歌詞になってしまった、自信はない 〜let things slip through my hands.←(冒頭が切れてるかも) Nothing ever stays so sane. I don't want to shoot people ranged for their stupid game. I wonder if it should be me instead of him. I don't mind at all. I don't take part at all.
Show the following buying alerts on eBay pages 30 minutes before an item ends: Watched item ending alert Show an alert on eBay if my watched item is ending. Outbid alerts Show an alert on eBay if I have been outbid on items I am bidding. Second Chance Offer received alert Show an alert on eBay when I receive a Second Chance Offer.
脚の手術を行えるかどうかドイツの専門医の先生に 相談させて頂いていたのですが 先天性の血液の病気のため、手術を受けれるかその旨を質問したところ 下記のような返信がありました。 The virus is principally no problem for the surgery if you aren’t sick. The surgery can be done from our side. これは手術を受けることができるのでしょうか? お手数ですが和訳お願い致します。
お願いいたします I got a new job and close to what I made at company I switched away from. I'm relieved. It is a commercial company that builds and sells like Donald Trump.
I'm usually out for business during daytime and so I cannot receive my package unless making a call to my local deliverer even though they have it already.
I would like to do it on my guitar . You have to pass the file with the relic of the design of john mayer for me to transpose the body of my guitar to try to make this work ?
My friend Linda is touring Japan in October. She has asked me to ask any Japanese-speaking people I know if they can recommend a good English-to-Japanese "translation" app for the iPhone so that she will know what to say if she has any problems (such as a medical situation) while in your country. She only knows a couple of words in Japanese, so this would help her quite a lot. If you can suggest anything, we would both be very grateful!
Ok, expected you to give me a sign much earlier in case item didnt arrive! It should normally arrive in at least few weeks after being sent.. But; had trouble with several packages that were sent during last months (summertime).. Few (yours included) arrived back here after some time (not sure for what reason?).. and were sent again in last week of august! So really hope it will finally be with you very soon.. Sorry again for all this trouble due to post; but really never lost one package yet after more then 10 years of sending records, so that wont be a problem now either.. Please keep me up to date!
>>208 習主席はフェミニストを迫害している一方で国連で女性の権利に関する会合を主催 するの?Xi is hosting a meeting on women's rights at the UN while he is persecuting feminists? のこと。
while he is persecuting feminists?のhe is が省略 されている形と考えればいいだろう。while he is persecuting feministsは 従属節で主節(Xi hosting a meeting on women's rights at the UN)と 従属節の主語が同じ時は従属節の主語とbe動詞は省略できる。
副詞節内の主語とbe動詞の省略について:主節の主語と副詞節の主語が同じときは、従属節内の主語とbe動詞をまとめて省略できます He was very energetic,when (he was) young. You should see the museum, while (you are) in London. Children should not speak unless (they are) spoken to. 「子供は話しかけられない限り口を開くべきではない」
主節のXi hosting a meeting on women's rights at the UNも普通は Xi is hosting a meeting on women's rights at the UNとisがあるべきだろう。 isはなくてもis hostingのことだってわかるのでツイッターで字数を少なくしていことも あってそうしたのでは。is hosting は現在進行形なので主催しているともとれるけど、 現在進行形で確定している近い未来のことを表現することもあるので、これから 主催するの?とも考えられる。
>>208 見出しみたいな物。 ”Xi hosting a meeting on women's rights at the UN while (Xi) persecuting feminists?” Xiと呼び捨てにして Shameless 恥知らずだ と切り捨ててる。 現在分詞は形容詞ともとれる。
>>214 ニュアンスと言うなら ”Xi hosting a meeting on women's rights at the UN 国連では女性人権保護の会を主催しながら while 一方(自国では) persecuting feminists?” フェミニスト、女性人権保護を主張してる人達を迫害してるだろ? persecuting feministsについては断言してない、疑問符付けて一段階ゆるくしてる。
Things are moving along with the client, but they have a some concerns.
1) Are there any outtakes that look similar to this on the market?
2) I think they found the photo ona site called Wallpaper Up. Can you guarantee that the photo has never been licensed anywhere else besides through us?
Can you let me know? If we can guarantee that the one time we licensed this in the past is the only time, I feel confident we can close this deal for $
先方は買い取りに乗り気でしょ。 Can you let me know? If we can guarantee that the one time we licensed this in the past is the only time, I feel confident we can close this deal for $ 過去に他にライセンスしたことあってもその時一度きりのライセンスであったら・・・ドルで買い取りたい。 weはクライアントに対するあなた+買い取り申込者 かな。
>>217 自己レス取り消し >>217は間違いだな。 Can you let me know? If we can guarantee that the one time we licensed this in the past is the only time, I feel confident we can close this deal for $ あなたがこの写真をライセンスするのが初めてであったら、他にライセンスしたことがないのなら ・・・・ドルで交渉を終えたい、・・・・ドルで買いたい。 他にライセンスしたことあるのなら買わない。
When my life isn't attached to a goal or inspires me then I am not really happy. Time needs to be used efficient cause it will never come back once wasted.
Over again it plays I'm not scared to face the wreckage of my younger ways Every little thing you do It's measured by the damage that it does to you You can screw me around You can swallow me down Well I don't really know why All we do is get high Guess I'd rather just save my breath The world is just a time bomb Everyone is dead wrong And all this weight is on my head
Everyone you think you know It turned to something different only yesterday All of us need to choose It's easier to give in than it is to lose They can blow up our head They can leave me for dead
But I don't really know why All is said is goodbye Guess I'd rather just save my breath
Everything takes so long Everyone waits so long I don't really know why All we did was get high Guess I need save my breath
You should not have liked or commented.... Hahaha!
Now you have to pick from one of the below and post it as your status. This is the 2015 Breast Cancer Awareness game.
Don't be a spoiled sport.
Pick your poison from one of these and post it as your status.
1 Diarrhea again? 2 Just used my boobs to get out of a speeding ticket. 3 How do you get rid of foot fungus? 4 No toilet paper, goodbye socks. 5 I think I'm in love with someone? 6 I've decided to stop wearing underwear. 7 It's confirmed I'm going to be a mommy/daddy. 8 Just won $900 on a scratchy 9 I'm a lesbian. 10 I'm getting married.
Post with no explanations.
Sorry, I fell for it too. Looking forward to your post. Ahhh don't ruin it. (Don't let the secret out).
Until registration is available again, we will accept requests to register new users via email. Requests should be sent to the 'register' account at Safe-mail.net.
Requests should contain the following information in a single line:
Fields should not be empty and separated by commas. Once the account is active, we recommend replacing the password. Personal info may be managed from the Userinfo button. Requests could have up to 3 alternatives.
Note: this service is subject to Safe-mail.net Agreemet
お願いいたします。 Yeah, one time when I was in college, I came to socialize with my roomates and sat on the floor with my computer, and one of the girls was drinking water on the other side of the screen. It tipped over and when she went to catch it, the water was forced up and OVER the screen and landed on my key board and screen.... I was so shocked that I couldn't be mad xD
Nooo it wasn't her fault xD she was trying to save it from splashing all over it to begin with, physics just got the jump on
お願いします。 Getting ready for bed and my window rattled and I felt a little shake, like what usually happens when my downstairs neighbors slam their door, minus the loud slam. Ask Rob if he felt it and wonder if James fell out of bed again. I check it out, and forget about the incident only to get on Facebook and find out that there was an earthquake. Now I'm just sitting here thinking "Cool, awesome, I'm gonna get on imgur and look at stupid shit while watching The Walking Dead."
外人の友達がやってるバンドの歌詞ですが 意味を知りたいのですがわかりません。 訳していただけると大変うれしいです。 Revolution through the meaning of your conscience. Revolution, turning back and evil minding. On and on I lose my mind On and on you steal my life And again we´ll even ask Never knows when could we start? I 'm your black wrong bad sheep I am the voice of shadows Never talking left you Buy to sale my soul Got to losing control Going down with alcohol And the mean of your life’s, addiction Revolution through the meaning of your conscience. Revolution, turning back and evil minding. On and on I lose my mind On and on you steal my life And again we´ll even ask Never knows when could we start? Solo“Oh please who are you? Leave me alone … go out of my mind..let me free, don’t hurt me more … nooo noooo noooo!!!” Yeah you know your life is in my hands So if I squeeze a little fist I'm going to do so hurt to you... Stopping stealing life, and pissed more, manipulating Kicking you and hurting you, when we will flying to the floor and going crash! Living in your own… in the jails of soul, now you feel like me… You will shout!!! Revolution through the meaning of your conscience.
Revolution, turning back and evil minding. On and on I lose my mind On and on you steal my heart And again we´ll even ask Never knows when could we start?
お願いいたします。 Omg. Walking back from the store with the kids. James is singing the alphabet and I hear some guy behind us talking, but I can't make out what it is. He walks up next to us, looks at James and screams
Well, it's true some people might get offended by being called "you people" but like the first entry on the urban dictionary page says, it's basically the same as you guys in terms of usage.
180 Haukeliekspressen: Convoy driving over Haukelifjell Due to bad weather there is convoy driving over Haukelifjell. The Mountain Pass may be closed at short notice. See how 180 Haukeliekspressen running if the mountain pass is closed.
WHEN closed mountain pass over the Haukelifjell departures for 180 Haukeliekspressen run as follows: Departures from Oslo will run as normal to Åmot and turns there. The bus returns from Åmot to Oslo on schedule.
Buses from Haugesund will run as normal to Røldal and turns there. The bus returns from Røldal towards Haugesund on schedule.
Skyss local bus line 930 from Bergen corresponding to Haukeliekspressen at Seljestad will run as normal. If the mountain pass Hovden-Haukeli is open, the day bus from Oslo drive to Haukeli with correspondence to route 221 Setesdalsekspressen towards Hovden and Kristiansand.
よろしくお願いします。 "The campaigning termites even occasionally sweeten the deal by feeding workers surplus food that is produced from their butts, because the animal world is pretty upfront about the fact that all politicians are feeding their constituents shit."
>>262 180 Haukeliekspressen: Convoy driving over Haukelifjell Haukelifjelまではコンボイ走行、バス列を連ねて走行
Due to bad weather there is convoy driving over Haukelifjell. The Mountain Pass may be closed at short notice. See how 180 Haukeliekspressen running if the mountain pass is closed. 天候が悪いためコンボイ走行、山岳道路は急に通行止めになることがある。通行止め時の運行に注意。
WHEN closed mountain pass over the Haukelifjell departures for 180 Haukeliekspressen run as follows: 通行止めになった時は Departures from Oslo will run as normal to Åmot and turns there. オスロ発は通常どおり Åmotまで、そこで折り返し。 The bus returns from Åmot to Oslo on schedule. Åmotからオスロへ折り返し
Buses from Haugesund will run as normal to Røldal and turns there. Haugesund発 Åmot行きも同様
The bus returns from Røldal towards Haugesund on schedule. 。 Skyss local bus line 930 from Bergen corresponding to Haukeliekspressen at Seljestad will run as normal.
If the mountain pass Hovden-Haukeli is open, the day bus from Oslo drive to Haukeli with correspondence to route 221 Setesdalsekspressen towards Hovden and Kristiansand. Hovden-Haukeliの山道がオスロ発Haukel行きはroute 221 Setesdalsekspressen towards Hovden and Kristiansand経由は.運行。
We are pleased to inform you that your order #14905969 has been processed and ready to be dispatched. However, according to our records, above mentioned invoice is still unpaid. We would highly appreciate if you sent your payment promptly. For your information, don't hesitate to check the invoice enclosed to this letter or contact us directly. In case if you have already sent your payment, please disregards this letter and kindly allow us up to 3 business days to clear the incoming payment.
We look forward to your remittance and will the dispatch the goods.
Thank you for choosing our services we sincerely hope to continue doing business with you again.
Sincerely, Malinda Bean
Sales Department Manager Fretter Inc. 2715 Sycamore Road Nyssa, OR 97913
Does anybody , know of contacts or spread the word that united legacy , search and rescue is looking for hip/waiters boots for search and rescue efforts . thank you. よろしくお願いします
Omg, guess the senior year is the year for acknowledgment. I got invited to join the leadership society of northern Kentucky university (I think I'm part of enough honor societies tho), invited to the Golden Key International Honor Society Regional Summit in Atlanta and the Scholar Laureate Program for either China or Australia...Atlanta is cheaper XD
論文のAbstの翻訳をお願いします、かなり困っています・・・(;_;) (その1) This paper discusses that the Asian theme throughout the history played a significant and major role in all stages of the relation and interaction between India and Japan. The objective of this paper is to analyze the origin of Nehru’s Asianism and main aspects of his Asian ideas and concerns. Also, this study attempts to examine the major factors and sources of influence to Nehru’s Asianism and his Asian ideas. The study finds that there are various sources of influence to Nehru’s Asianism, such as: Japan and its victory over Russia in Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905; The eminent leaders of the Indian National Congress in 1920s; Nehru’s visit to Soviet Union in November 1927; Rabindra Nath Tagore’s ideas on Asian identity and unity; Sun Yat-sen’s Pan-Asianism and Greater Asianism; Japan’s policy of ‘Asia for Asians’; Subhas Chandra Bose’s thoughts on foundation of Pan-Asiatic Federation and creation of a new Asia through elimination of all vestiges of colonialism and imperialism, etc.
(その2) Moreover, Nehru’s attitude and policy towards Japan during the different periods of his life and political career in the context of his Asianism and also Indo-Japan relations have been examined. As implications of this study, the author observed that, Nehru from 1905 since the victory of Japan over Russia until 1920s was admirer of Japan, an island Asian nation, which defeated a European military power. Japan’s war with another Asian nation China was disappointment for Nehru and his sympathy was with China. For Nehru, Japan’s image changed from a model nation in Asia to aggressor and breaker of peace and solidarity in Asia. During WWII Nehru chose an anti-Japanese policy and a hard line towards Japan. He was against Japan’s control of Asia. Finally, after WWII due to his Asianism and Asian concerns Nehru changed his policy towards new and non-militaristic Japan and laid a foundation of positive and cordial postwar relations between both countries India and Japan.
出典:Zubaidullo Ubaidulloev, Jawaharlal Nehru’s Asianism and Japan
お願いします。 They gave me a small raise at the end of last year but then took away all overtime shortly thereafter I don't make enough to make ends meet without a certain amount of overtime
お願いします! well, before i tell you exactly who I am..I want to show you, will u watch my cam show?? I think you'll be very surprised at what your about to see lol
You need to tell us the context where these lines are spoken. But let me guess...it's from a scene where they're given some kind of showbiz names for each and making comments on them? Am I correct?
140 :氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁(庭):2016/01/19(火) 15:15:17.50 ID:3L+fWUwr0 >>118 This crasy Hanyu's ota ROFL If Mao were to retire from competitions, most of them will completely disappeared from this world except that she'll appear an ice show, hahaha Even if she were to retire, we can see her various performance as ever It can be expected that such an ardent Mao's fan like me
If you find yourself asking from 2011 through 2015 if a particular financial markets’ correction is the culminating collapse that will finally lead to feasible government policies (unlike the current ones) being put into action, it won’t be. You’ll know when the concluding crash happens and you won’t have to ask. It will be that big.
お願いいたします。 We need to change or all nations are in danger of not only financial crisis but environmental collapse The way things are going it's not sustainable
we need to figure something else out for payment. Our policies do not allow us to ship to addresses such as the freight forwarding company that you currently are requesting. The only way we can proceed with shipment is if you repurchase the wheels and pay with Paypal and we ship to a “confirmed” address or you wire the funds in advance which we can provide the instructions for. We understand this can be disappointed to hear, but unfortunately overseas shipments we have experienced high fraud rates with and therefore we need to take precautions’ on all orders. I will unfortunately be refunding both of your orders in full, but if you wish to repurchase you can do it again using Paypal or let us know if you need our instructions to wire the funds prior to shipment.
Ladies and gentlemen: Thank you for riding the Shinkansen. This is a Hayabusa superexpress bound for Tokyo. We will be stopping at Shin'aomori, Morioka, Sendai and Ohmiya before arriving at Tokyo Terminal.
お願いします。 I've lost 40 lbs in the last three months. I'm getting hit on by guys left and right, and my navy friend is actually starting to take things more seriously between us, so... Yeah... On the relationship part, I'm great. On the physical side, I feel amaxing, and on the mental state, I'm finally out of my depression. Just little things here and there, but everything is turning out a lot better
「Marvel Collector Corps」というアメコミの企画商品を定期購入していたのですが、 日本に出荷できない旨のメールが突然届き困っております。 What this means for you:以下の3項目の部分について翻訳いただけないでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。
Dear Valued Customer,
We are writing to let you know that your subscription is affected by recent changes to our shipping abilities. Unfortunately we are no longer able to ship to Japan.
What this means for you:
•We will be canceling your subscription and it will no longer renew for any future boxes. •If you have recently placed a new order and it currently shows as processing or New Subscription under MY RECENT ORDERS on your account we will still ship those boxes. •You are welcome to begin a new subscription if you have an alternate shipping address in one of the countries we are allowed to ship to. You can locate those countries by adding a new order to your cart and then checking the country drop down in the SHIP TO A DIFFERENT ADDRESS section.
We would like to thank you for having been a subscriber and we are sorry that this email may cause disappointment. If you have any questions about your existing orders, please contact [email protected].
thanks for your order. we will try our best to send out the item asap. now is the mass order time.. we will help you declare the item as tablet pc /ebook reader 47usd/pc with shipping cost usd4/pc , total will be 51usd/pc if you do not have any remark in the message about the declare requirement within 12hours because we want to help you send out soon. Different country has different policys on custom, and custom fee is not including in our selling price, but we are willing to help for declarence to advoid your high custom tax, We will try all our best to avoid custom fee but can not 100% sure no custom fee, please understand. thanks for understanding and fast reply, best regards Tiffany
i. The Internet is sometimes criticized as a "nest of rumors" because it is full of irresponsible comments and false information. I, however, cannot agree with this view point readily when considering the characteristics it has as a medium.
ii. As the Internet is getting more widely used, there will be changes in the flow of information where the mass media have played a leading role so far, which will, in turn, bring changes in human relations and the entire social mechanism as well.
Don't worry , at least now you understand why it was not easy for me to write you back. I also had problem to write back. I think many people have this problem and I read that you should just not worry about replying, you should write some small texts when you have time and when you can regardless if you get an answer to each of them. So I will write to you time to time, but not like answer mail for mail, but just write something. You should do it too, so you do not feel obligation to respond to every message I send with a very long one. Maybe this will be easier to keep in contact.
I do not think that the author’s idea is applicable to learning a foreign language. This is because language is a means of explicit communication and so I think that poor skills in a foreign language, unlike a poor performance on a musical instrument, may cause misunderstanding, which then could affect relations with other people.
I do not think that the author’s idea is applicable to learning a foreign language. This is because language is a means of explicit communication and so I think that poor skills in a foreign language, unlike a poor performance on a musical instrument, may cause misunderstanding, which then could affect relations with other people.
Thanks for purchasing from us, the FedEx carrier told your address belongs to remote area, FedEx would have to charge an extra remote area fee of 30$ for the reason. Otherwise, parcel will be returned, could you please send the money to the following PayPal address, please?
After the payment made, please email us the <PayPal Transaction ID> to confirm, once it confirmed, we will contact the carrier to deal with your order, thanks for your understanding!
Technological devices are now a constant feature in our lives. Whether working or relaxing, we are continuously connected to the virtual world. But are we harming ourselves by over using devices? Are there good reasons to spend less time with our smartphones and tablets? Digital detoxing has recently become a popular trend. The phrase is used for a period of time when someone stops using technology. This means no emails and no social media. The time saved is used to focus on alternative activities. These include talking to friends or finding new hobbies. The overuse of devices can leave little time for anything else. Pressure to keep up to date with social media can often be intense. The constant pressure can result in stress, and this leads to health problems such as headaches or physical strain. A digital detox can help prevent this problem.
> Technological devices are now a constant feature in our lives. Whether working or relaxing, > we are continuously connected to the virtual world. But are we harming ourselves by over using devices? > Are there good reasons to spend less time with our smartphones and tablets? 常に囲まれている デジタルデバイスによる悪影響は?
> Digital detoxing has recently become a popular trend. The phrase is used for a period of time when someone stops using technology. > This means no emails and no social media. The time saved is used to focus on alternative activities. > These include talking to friends or finding new hobbies. 流行りの デジタルデトックス (Digital detoxing) は、メールやソーシャルメディアを控えること。 そのぶん、他のことに時間を使える。
> The overuse of devices can leave little time for anything else. Pressure to keep up to date with social media can often be intense. > The constant pressure can result in stress, and this leads to health problems such as headaches or physical strain. > A digital detox can help prevent this problem. デジタルデバイスの使い過ぎは、他のことをする時間を食うし、ストレスや、頭痛やらの身体的負担もある。 そんなことは、もう防げます。そう、デジタルデトックスならね。
Once ensconced as silversmiths to royalty, 王族の使用する銀食器とされると 王室御用達になると the aristocracy and bourgeoisie 貴族とブルジョア裕福な市民、成り上がりは soon fell into line as avid consumers of Christofle tableware. すぐ列をなしてChristofle tableware.を求めるようになった。
The awful pressing claim of the un-Christianised nations, wchich I have seen, had taught me that the work of their conversion to Christ is one to which one would gladly give influence and whatever else God has given to one.
Permitted Uses of Creations of Imagery. Subject to the following restrictions, you may use Creations of Imagery within news, film, movies, television programs, video projects, multi-media projects, theatrical display, software user interfaces; architectural renderings, Computer Games, virtual worlds, simulation and training environments; corporate communications, marketing collateral, tradeshow promotional items, booth decorations and presentations; pre-visualizations, product prototyping and research; mobile, web, print, television, and billboard advertising; online and electronic publications of blogs, literature, social media, and email campaigns; website designs and layouts, desktop and mobile wallpapers, screensavers, toolbar skins; books, magazines, posters, greeting cards; apparel items, brochures, framed or printed artwork, household items, office items, lenticular prints, product packaging and manufactured products.
The export delimiters of the database fields are described on page 201 of system admin guide. I retested some values on my system and found Fixvalue1=124 should bring you back the pipe symbol. Also pay attention to fix value 3, delimiter between value and description. Discuss with the Person who imports our data which symbol is preferred and set it up accordingly. An ASCII table is attached below to pick the symbol needed.
お願いします。 It should be "Hundreds of languages spoken by few, die out." The comma in between few and die shows a slight pause, indicating a slightly more serious tone to the sentence, as well as giving the speaker a chance to breathe.
Risk factors include other lung diseases such as cystic fibrosis, COPD, and asthma, diabetes, heart failure, a history of smoking, a poor ability to cough such as following a stroke, or a weak immune system.
Risk factors include other lung diseasessuch as cystic fibrosis, 嚢胞性線維症(CF症)(のうほうせいせんいしょう COPD,慢性閉塞肺疾患 and asthma, 喘息 diabetes, 糖尿病 heart failure, 心臓病 a history of smoking, 喫煙歴 a poor ability to cough 咳をする力が小さくなるsuch as following a stroke,続いて発作、卒中 or a weak immune system.免疫力が弱くなる。
How are you?に対する返事です。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Better than I've been in a long time. I'm drawing and writing, though I'm about to go to bed. It's half way to 4 am
I think Nick Jonas was quite popular back then with the Jonas Brothers but in this time, Shawn Mendes seems to be more popular. Just because he appeals to teenagers, especially teenage girls. I went to a Shawn Mendes concert a few months back and it was wild, his fans are very devoted to him and they were really into the music! It was a fantastic time. His music is very "in" nowadays and he's grown really rapidly as an artist.
Nick Jonas has been around for much longer, and has had an impactful career. Shawn Mendes is just starting out and still barely known outside of his fans, I could find several random friends of mine right now who have never heard of "Shawn Mendes" but I'd be hard pressed to find someone between 15-35 who hasn't heard of Nick Jonas
>>431 Nick Jonas has been around for much longer, and has had an impactful career. Shawn Mendes is just starting out and still barely known outside of his fans, I could find several random friends of mine right now who have never heard of "Shawn Mendes" but I'd be hard pressed to find someone between 15-35 who hasn't heard of Nick Jonas
お願いします Thank you for providing us with the documents we requested to verify your account. In reviewing your response, can you please confirm your full name, to enable us to check your documentation. Can you please also highlight your address and name on the proof of address you have supplied. Please note that ALL the documents are required to complete the verification process and restore your account. Please follow the link below to upload the remaining documents (each document should be uploaded as a separate file):
Jonas was born in Teaneck, New Jersey, and grew up in Wyckoff. His mother, Denise Marie (née Miller), is a former sign language teacher and singer, and his father, Paul Kevin Jonas, Sr., is a songwriter, musician, and former ordained minister at an Assemblies of God church.
My parents passed away when i was in my earlie twenties.so my children don't know their grandparents. I often ask myself,what it was like when i was little,but no one can tell me. So I have no connection to my roots-that s why my own family and my friends are so important for me.
よろしくお願いします。 The band released one studio album in 2010, though it failed to achieve much commercial success. Following the release, Jonas opted to focus on work in theater, and also had a recurring role on the television series Smash. The Jonas Brothers briefly reunited in 2013, though officially parted ways due to creative differences.
前から約束していたなら、 Are you still free to hang out? まだ明日予定あいてるよね? Are you still feeling up to getting together? 明日まだ会えそう? もしくは、 What time can we meet tomorow? 明日何時にあう?
よろしくお願いします。 i think that nick is a better singer in technical terms he has better range and know what his doing with his voice and yet I still prefer joe's voice (I guess I find nick's voice a bit whiny sometimes)
“This is about setting kids like all of you up for a lifetime of healthy choices.” She added, “As small as you think you are, you can change lives. I know you guys can do this. … I see the work of kids, the magic you all do. People change because of kids.”
お願いいたします。 The assignments are due all over the place. I have two research papers, one essay, four lesson plans, one project, and one student analysis Everything is due within two weeks I don't have time to work on it during the week
What world do we usually live in? One answer to this question would be: We live a usual life. When thinking back on our everyday life, from the moment we arise to the time we go to bed, we find most of our life spent in a place of usualness or a world of usualness.
What is usualness then?
We almost never consider a thing like that in our daily life and cannot find a clear definition of it easily. You might hesitate to see how to find an answer because it is too vague an abstract question.
Each of us has own life and own circumstances of life. Each has everyday problems to deal with and ones to consider even during his/her lifespan as well. These are the reasons why I can also say that the answer to this question has a limitless variety of destinations and then endless pathways.
There is, however, one thing I can tell for sure: The world of usualness cannot stand independently. This means that it will appear in front of us as a reality filled with a variety of meanings only when we do "live".
What world do we usually live in? One answer to this question would be: We live a usual life. When thinking back on our everyday life, from the moment we arise to the time we go to bed, we find most of our life spent in a place of usualness or a world of usualness.
What is usualness then?
We almost never consider a thing like that in our daily life and cannot find a clear definition of it easily. You might hesitate to see how to find an answer because it is too vague an abstract question.
Each of us has own life and own circumstances of life. Each has everyday problems to deal with and ones to consider even during his/her lifespan as well. These are the reasons why I can also say that the answer to this question has a limitless variety of destinations and then endless pathways.
There is, however, one thing I can tell for sure: The world of usualness cannot stand independently. This means that it will appear in front of us as a reality filled with a variety of meanings only when we do
Although bread is a readily available and enjoyable food, you would find that it would require quite a lot of fuss and time to make it yourself actually. In particular, you will have to wait the dough to rise fully. A home electric appliance which features easy baking would need at least 4 or 5 hours for the entire process to be done. You should come to appreciate the one sold at a bakery only after you have experienced it yourself.
>>482 英語に関係なくその>>482に書いてあることを初めから日本語で書いてみれば良いと思う。 You should come to appreciate the one sold at a bakery only after you have experienced it yourself. 未来を表すshallの過去形なんて面妖だけど、 パンを作る苦労を味あえばどうしてパン屋が成り立ってるかわかるよ。
SHELLY) Even if I were to see him,you realize there`s nothing I can say to him righ now? We parted harboring hatred,and we parted by death harboring hatred. That`s our relationship. I have no intention of getting back together,and I have no intention of making a friendly trio. I have no intention of lining the first one and the second one to talk about them. I feel the act of comparison in of itself is rude to my master. What meaning is there in showing how amiable I am with my master right now? By showing that man I have no feelings for him now whatsoever...What meaning is there? You wish for me to do something cruel? MIYUKI) Yeah,I`m telling you to do something cruel. It`s your job to hurt the man from your past.You want to be liked,and on top of it,stay a good person? SHELLY) What you`re saying...That`s like saying if something is going to erode or be worn down, it`s better to just destroy it. MIYUKI) That`s what I`ve been saying! SHELLY) If he holds a grudge against me and is trying to kill me,that means I`ll kill him in return. You`re still fine with that? MIYUKI) That`s still fine.If that`s the case,you can respond to his feeling of hatred. You can sever him from those feelings. But,if you apologize and he forgives you,in that case... SHELLY) It`s the same thing even then.The moment he forgives me,he`ll be exterminated by a specialist. You`re still fine with that? MIYUKI) That`s still fine. That`s still fine! SHELLY) If your silly assumption are correct and he revived himself thinking of me...I`d be unable to respond to his feelings. What I can do by meeting him is to harshly and roughly dump him. You`re still fine with that? MIYUKI) That`s still fine.
SHELLY) If I met him,and felt like I wanted to respond to his feelings,then what? What would you do if I choose the first apparition killer instead of your upperclassman? You`re still fine with that? MIYUKI) That`s still fine. If that`s the case...If that`s the case,make a clean break with Hiroshi, and you can live happily ever after with that guy.
Although bread is a readily available and enjoyable food, you would find that it would require quite a lot of fuss and time to make it yourself actually. In particular, you will have to wait the dough to rise fully. A home electric appliance which features easy baking would need at least 4 or 5 hours for the entire process to be done. You should come to appreciate the one sold at a bakery only after you have experienced it yourself.
誰もが驚いたトランプの勝利。選挙戦最後のCM。主張のエッセンス。よろしくお願いします。 Donald Trump's "Argument For America" Ad Targets "Failed And Corrupt Political Establishment" Posted By Tim Hains On Date November 4, 2016 http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/11/04/ad_donald_trumps_argument_for_america.html DONALD TRUMP: Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American people.
The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election.
For those who control the levers of power in Washington and for the global special interests, they partner with these people that don’t have your good in mind.
The political establishment that is trying to stop us is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals, massive illegal immigration and economic and foreign policies that have bled our country dry.
The political establishment has brought about the destruction of our factories and our jobs as they flee to Mexico, China and other countries all around the world.
It’s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities.
The only thing that can stop this corrupt machine is you. The only force strong enough to save our country is us.
The only people brave enough to vote out this corrupt establishment is you, the American people.
I’m doing this for the people and the movement and we will take back this country for you and we will make America great again.
In series of studies involving learning groups, simply hearing someone explain a set of concepts, as in listening to lecture, or reviewing notes that expose a student to new information, seem to have minimal effect on learning.
But students who had to explain the information to their peers, a process that forced them to reconcile the inconsistencies in their understanding to answer thier classmates' questions, increased their learning.
B氏 Everyone was just minding their own business when they came.
A氏 When who came?
Anyways...These soldiers dressed in black came and took everyone away tosome place. I don't know where, but they didn't seem to harm anyone. The only reason I'm still around is because they didn't think to look out here.That's all I know.
A氏 So they're all gone?
B氏 Yeah.
A氏 Then why are you still working?
B氏 I figure that they'll find me eventually, might as well do what I love till then.
お願いします。 A mother's love for her children will always overcome the hatefulness of others. My children's needs and well-being will always come before others. No matter who that person is.
お願いします。 It took them over the entire break to get back to me about correcting the grades I earned but the ball is rolling now. I guess I will see how long it takes for the change to show up on my transcripts.
偉そうですみませんが、ちゃんとお願いします!大事なメールなんで Thanks Very Much - We need more reports on the Japanese Facebook page if you have Facebook you can join as it is open to the public
状況はと言いますとNHKの地震情報を英語翻訳してYOUTUBEにアップしたんですね。 そしたら海外の方から510のような返信が来たんです。 んでそれに対して「フェイスブックは持っていませんし、英語も下手ですみません。 しかしこれからもYOUTUBEで地震情報をUPさせてもらいます。あと質問ですが日本に興味があるのですか?それとも日本の地震に興味があるのですか」 と返信したところ +(ここに自分のチャンネル名 ) I am interested in the earthquakes in Japan and what my group on YouTube does is forecast the earthquakes before they happen. You can look at the posted videos where we forecast one earthquake a day or a week before a big quake hits Japan and we only have three people that live in Japan that can share the warning before the earthquakes happen. We have done this for Japan many times and also for many other countries
+(自分のチャンネル名) I do not like Facebook myself but some of the other researchers have started pages just for different countries and different languages for Japan or Italy or many other countries and languages
There is all set up a parallel YouTube video and chat for international viewers that cannot speak English, they can meet together and speaking their native language on Dutchsinse Reloaded - Terramoto 3-D And get the same updates live at 10 PM central standard time you can watch all of the world being covered in all the different regions and listening to Dutch explaining why
>>515 なるほど、ということは need more reports on the Japanese Facebook pageの意味は 「日本のフェイスブックページに関する報告がもっとほしい」ではなく 「(書きこんだ人のグループが持つ)日本向けフェイスブックページが一般公開されているので そこに参加して、『そのページで』地震に関する報告(情報交換)をもっとしてほしい」 みたいなことのようだな それ以下は、時間がないので、とりあえずかいつまんで書くけど 書きこんだ人は、地震予知をしてYouTube上で情報を一般に公開している (地震に興味がありそうなあなたに対して、自分のチャンネルの宣伝とともに) 日本で活動している人が少ないので、日本語のフェイスブックがあるのでぜひ参加して情報の共有をしてくれ とかそんなかんじだろうかね
>>528>>529 U r right Actually I'm 16 age, sorry what I posted the question with my such a cheap sentence and showed it to u guys, thanks anyway! (´・ω・`)
お願いします。 That is true. Lol. Thanks. Some are husky build, but that's big muscle. Others are extremely obese and make a lot of excuses about losing weight.
To harken back to something like the language of courtly love in medieval France, there are certain objects of our affection that reveal their beauty and charm only when we make a chivalrous but determined assault on their defences; they remain impregnable if we don't lay seige to the fortress of their inherent complexity. お願いします。
Thank you so much for your order! We noticed you are ordering from Japan.
In our efforts to find the fastest options you could receive our products, we would like to ask you for some help!
Could you tell us if you order nail art supplies with online stores in Japan? And which you could recommend? Because we would like to find a distributor there for our products, but we don't know any store.
Thank you so much for your information! Will be great appreciated! Regards, (相手の名前) Creative Director
I seen you having a bit of an ongoing run in with the 'Hood', good luck with that btw...comments from his minions are pretty ridiculous and actually very defamatory! どなたか分かる方お願い致します。
I've been trying without success to find out the production # produced その製品、その製造番号#をズーッと調べていたがわからなかった。 and i'd also like to know what # that mine is. 持ってる製品の製造番号#を知りたい。 ATOKではなんばーと入力すると変換候補に#がある。
お願いします。 My kids' grandfather passed away this early morning. Please keep the family and my children in your prayers and positive thoughts. This is going to be hard breaking it to them. Richard, I am so thankful that I was able to give you your first grandbaby on your birthday, as well as give you the other two. I will keep your memory alive in their lives.
お願いします。 Since no one seems to bother on my blood sides of the family about events, get together, whatever, nor make any attempt to see my children, do not expect me to bring them to any family events or related. Got a problem with that text me. Don't expect my husband to play peacemaker. The phone lines and messages work both ways. I don't have to make all the damn first moves. Like I said, my blood sides. Not my husband's.
>>583 私のほうの家族はイベントや集まりなどの類には無頓着なようで、私の子どもたちにも会おうとしない 感じなので、家族のイベントやそういったものに私が自分の家族を連れてくるなんてことは 期待しないでください。それが問題であればメールしてください。私の夫に間をとりもつ ような役目を期待しないでください。電話もメールもいい面と悪い面があります。 私がわざわざ最初のアクションを起こさなくてもよいのです。 先にも言いましたが、私のほうの家族の話です。夫のほうの家族のことではありません。 Since no one seems to bother on my blood sides of the family about events, get together, whatever, nor make any attempt to see my children, do not expect me to bring them to any family events or related. Got a problem with that text me. Don't expect my husband to play peacemaker. The phone lines and messages work both ways. I don't have to make all the damn first moves. Like I said, my blood sides. Not my husband's.
I was happy hearing from you. You have a fresh kind to write and I have to smile while reading because of your open - mindedness - I like it :) I would appreciate hearing from you how is live in japan and where you and your son are living right now and what you are doing (work, education, hobbies). I am working at a german automobile manufaturer as a psychologist. But noooo :D I can't read thoughts and nooo I don't do any strange experiments to people ;D I just writing my Ph.D. there on the topic of human-machine interaction. I would be very pleased, if you can teach me something... I have worked hard to write the following sentences, perhaps you can correct me? - that would be very nice! :)
>>586 連絡もらってうれしかった。You have a fresh kind to write、あなたはopen - mind(心が広い、いろいろなものを受け入れる、偏見がない) だから読みながら思わず微笑んじゃった。あなたのそういうところいいと思う(^^) 日本の生活やあなた、あなたの息子さんが今どんなふうに暮らしているか、あなたについて(仕事、あなたが受けた教育、趣味) などについてお便りくれるとうれしい。 私はドイツの自動車メーカーでーpsychologistとして働いています。 だけど、ちがーーーう (^o^) 心は読めないし ちがうよー、人に対して変な実験なんかしてません。(^0~) その会社で人間と機械の相互作用に関する博士論文を書いてます。 あなたが私に何かを教えてくれたら、すごくうれしいです。 以下の文章を一生懸命書いてるんだけど、正しい文に直してくれたりとできるかな。 そうしてくれたらすごく助かるんだけど。(^^)
You have a fresh kind to write、 同じことじゃなくて新しいことをメールに買いてくれるか、 他の人とは違うトピックでメールで書いてきてくれる、ということか。psychologistは辞書的には心理学者だけど、臨床心理士ということかも。 社員の悩みに相談に乗るとか。会社でそういう業務をこなしながら、博士論文を書いているということか。 よくわかんない。
You have a fresh kind to write なにか手紙に書ける新しい物を知っている。 open - mindedness 寛容 1 心が広くて、よく人の言動を受け入れること。他の罪や欠点などをきびしく責めないこと。また、そのさま。「寛容の精神をもって当たる」「寛容な態度をとる」「多少の欠点は寛容する」2 ⇒免疫寛容[派生] ...
The final value formulation reduces to an iteration starting at the final range gate proceeding back toward the radar whereas the initial value solution is found by iterating outward form the first gate.
The final value formulation reduces to an iteration starting at the final range gate proceeding back toward the radar whereas であるのに、に反して the initial value solution is found by iterating outward form the first gate. レーダーの基本原理
>>592 >The final value formulation reduces to an iteration starting at the final range gate proceeding >back toward the radar whereas the initial value solution is found by iterating outward form >the first gate.
お願いいたします・ no. what I mean is that's all our phones could do. smart phones came after high school for me. I remember when the first iPod came out in highschool
dang. yeah. cell phones werent that big yet when I was in high school. you could text and that was about it
それに対して的外れな返信をしてしまったので no. what I mean is that's all our phones could do. smart phones came after high school for me. I remember when the first iPod came out in highschool と返ってきました。
dang. yeah. cell phones werent that big yet when I was in high school. you could text and that was about it あら そうよ 高校生の頃は携帯電話はたいしたことなくて文字しか送れなかったので 文字ばかり送ってた。 no. what I mean is that's all our phones could do. smart phones came after high school for me. I remember when the first iPod came out in highschool ちがうよ その頃持ってた携帯電話は全部文字を送れた。 スマホは卒業してから出来たの。 iPodが初めて学校で見た時を思い出すわ。
We are sorry to inform you that our profile verification process is taking longer than usual.
As long as there are no error messages on your profile page and you have completed all the fields required for the level of verification selected, your request is in the verification queue and will be reviewed as soon as possible.
Thank you very much for your patience, and we are sorry for the inconvenience. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
This means the form is viewed in an incorrect ABCForm Domain. We have implemented a domain separation rule. Depending on what country you are in, there will be an assigned separate domain name to you. (i.e.ABCform.us, jotform.me). Any forms created will only work on that domain. If you'll attempt to view your forms using different domains, the error above will show up. Clicking the link below it should redirect you to the correct form URL.
ある外国製品の度重なる故障と日本の代理店との やり取りの複雑さで悩んでるわたしが 思い切って本国のメーカーのサポートにメールして 何度かやり取りした後の向こうからのメールです。 このメールの前の回のメールで向こう側は 「日本の代理店にの担当者に 直接コンタクトとってみる」みたいな内容だったのですが 私の英語力不足で誤解してたかも‥‥その前回の向こうからのメールは I would contact Mr.***directly, he does the work there and ask him > >> see if you can get a better answer.
でした。 I would だから(これからやってみる) (こともできるよ)という意味?なんかの会場で2人が 会う可能性がある様なニュアンスでした。 「(もし)直接頼んでみたら、あなたにとっていい返事が 期待出来るかもよ?」って言う意味ですか?
お願いします。 Lithium carbonate--a competitive aldosterone antagonist? Plasma renin activity (PRA), aldosterone (aldo) levels, electrolyte levels, and blood pressures were measured in 16 patients with affective disorders taking lithium prophylactically, and in 16 age and sex-matched control subjects. PRA and aldo levels were significantly elevated in the lithium-treated group. There was no difference between the groups in plasma electrolytes or erect and supine blood pressures, arguing against secondary aldosteronism. In the lithium-treated group, there was a significant positive correlation between both PRA and plasma aldo vs serum lithium. We postulate that lithium inhibits the action of aldosterone on the distal tubule in the kidney. Activation of the renin angiotensin system maintains normal blood pressure and plasma electrolytes.
ALDOSTERONE AND SODIUM RESPONSE TO LITHIUM ADMINISTRATION IN MAN. Administration of lithium carbonate to 16 manic-depressive and depressed patients was found to lead to an initial 1-2 days of sodium and water diuresis. In the subsequent 4-5-day period of treatment, sodium retention associated with a 50% increase in aldosterone excretion occurred, followed in the next several days by a return towards pre-lithium levels. These changes occurred in all patients and were apparently not related to the initial clinical state of the patient nor the presence or absence of symptomatic improvement with lithium.
Height: 5'2" Age: 16 Blood Type: AB Hometown: Tokyo (Setagaya ward) Pajamas: Vintage
Bio: Rito was selected by lottery to relocate to Harajuku after the alien SCOOPER ATTACK that destroyed much of Tokyo. Now she works and lives with MARI and KOTOKO at the PARK Harajuku shop.
Sometimes she's determined to find a way out and help to rebuild the world outside. Other times, she's OK with just laying around playing video games.
Frequently seen skateboarding around the neighborhood in her devil horns headband and split skirt.
Prone to having unsettling nightmares about the past.
Possibly related to vast consumptin of sweets and cookies before bedtime...
Every Halloween we'd take corn from Haunted Harry's firld for corning houses. we'd always heard crazy stories about him bud never actually saw anyone on the farm. Late at night though we would always hear strange noises coming from the big red barn.
One operator hails from France and uses a drone to maintain quarantine perimeters. Their service record is astounding, but their list of regrets seems endless.
1) We almost never consider a thing like that in our daily life and cannot find a clear definition of it easily. You might be at a loss as to how to find an answer because it is too vague an ambiguous question.
2) There is, however, one thing I can tell for sure: The world of usualness cannot stand independently. This means that it will appear in front of us as a reality filled with a variety of meanings only when we do "live".
1) We almost never consider a thing like that in our daily life and cannot find a clear definition of it easily. You might be at a loss as to how to find an answer because it is too vague an ambiguous question.
2) There is, however, one thing I can tell for sure: The world of usualness cannot stand independently. This means that it will appear in front of us as a reality filled with a variety of meanings only when we do "live".
>>649 お願いします Obviously, this guys intention is to troll well-intended English learners on this thread who want to help other learners as this has been posted multiple times in the history of this thread (e.g. >>475).
What state of mind would make someone post such a troll? Who is this guy? A college student who does not have anything better to do? A high school senior who does not have much hope left for entering college this April? Or maybe a company worker who does not understand a word of his English-speaking colleagues.
By the way, I cannot find the origin of these sentences, and I am curious about who wrote it. The writing is old-fashioned but not too unnatural (at least I have to admit the writer has a better command of English than I do). The word usualness is interesting. I have never thought about a noun form of the term 'usual'. Since the term is thematic to this entire writing, I might want to add a hyphen to connect 'usual' with 'ness'.
This leads to a reasonable approach to evaluating the relative encapsulations of two implementations: if changing one might lead to more broken code than would the corresponding change to the other, the former is less encapsulated than the latter.
The way was long, the wind was cold. Dogs with their tongues their wounds do heal. Like words congealed in northern air. Regions Casar never knew. With all a poet’s ecstasy. You may deride my awkward pace.
ビートルズのCDBOX欲しいのですが商品説明わかりません。 よろしくお願いいたします。 the shrink wrap is open from one of the corners and the paper box in that section has the slightest of defect on the corner of the box, Other then that its a highly desirable item and is the cheapest on the net. item will be sent recorded and tracked post
Since I have a surplus of resources, delivery is possible. Levels do not matter, so everyone please feel free to join. Let us get items together everyone. I am free, so I can join the attack. Even if I send reinforcement from here, it will take some time since it is quite a distance, but would that be alright? For those of you in close distance, please send reinforcement. If they do not gather, I will activate my shield and avoid them. It's because I thought it was easier to convey it to the other person in English, which is a universal language. I have about 25 million units of wood and 16 million units of food. if an ally is attacked nearby, I intend to help them as much as possible. But I won't go out of my way to start a fight.
Using the wrong account type Whether you are using Upwork to find work as a freelancer or to hire contractors as a client, you should always use the same login information.
Sharing your account with someone else Your account is your own. Allowing someone else to use it will lead to an Upwork suspension. Even if you no longer intend to use that account, don’t just give it to someone else. If you really want to help them start freelancing, sit with them and help them create a good Upwork profile and bid on a few job offers.
Sharing your contact info All correspondence between Upwork freelancers and clients should be done on the platform itself. Don’t share your email, Skype username, phone number or any other contact information on your Upwork profile. Also, if a potential client asks for any of these, decline to give them and tell them that you only work through Upwork with new clients.
Receiving payments outside of Upwork Upwork has two payment systems – fixed and hourly – and would very much like you to use them. Mostly because they have a vested interest (they take a 20% cut from your payment), but also because they are genuinely looking to protect freelancers as much as possible from situations where a client might decide not to pay them. What’s really important to pay attention here as a freelancer is whether the client’s profile is verified or not. Look for the green check mark, If it’s not gray, that means Upwork can’t guarantee that this client will pay you for your work.
Sticky recognition is created for photos of real-life stickers, like this one. The option finds box-like shapes on the photo and transforms them, like so:
You can remove suggested boxes or edit the contours. Click the box you want to modify and drag the corners. From one photo you can get several stickers, depending on how many box shapes the option finds. Please see this example. As you can see here the option found most of the stickers (but not all of them):
So, unfortunately, it is just not for pictures of dogs, it is for pictures of stickers. A dog is not a rectangle shape, that is why the recognition does not see it.
You can add the pictures directly to the board though, just by uploading it from a URL link! Do you have any problem with that?
I'm very sorry for the confusion. The very first step you need to take is to switch to the select tool. In the video, you use hand to select the table. Please first click cursor and then try to delete the table (see the image attached).
The hand is used to pan around the board while the select (or cursor) is used to select objects on the board. Does that make sense?
1.The very first step you need to takeのveryをどう解釈すればいいでしょうか 2.you use hand to select the table.をどう解釈すればいいでしょうか 3.The hand is used to pan around the board をどう解釈すればいいでしょうか
If I got it right the screen resolution of your device caused this issue and you can't see the deleting option. Thus, when you change your cursor from hand to arrow, you can pick up the table and delete it with Delete key on your keyboard. Hope that will work for you.
>>680 If I got it right the screen resolution of your device caused this issue and you can't see the deleting option. Thus, when you change your cursor from hand to arrow, you can pick up the table and delete it with Delete key on your keyboard. Hope that will work for you. のとおりにやってもダメなの? それとも意味が分からないの? カーソルを手印から矢印に変えその表を選択しデリートキーで削除する。
この状態の事で質問しました。その回答が下記です。和訳をお願いします。 I see that there are multiple lines of text in the third column, which is suggesting that Text Wrap has been used which is making this cell increase in height. You can choose to remove the text wrap in the cell to resuce the height of the complete row.
Summary July payment$3.00 You will be charged $3.00 on August 1st and then the 1st of each month going forward. You can cancel or edit your pledge at any time. By making this pledge, you agree to Patreon's Terms of Use.
お願いします。 In order it would be Football, Baseball, Basketball. At least where I live. It might be different in different states. The majority for football though is greater than anything. Football is something most people have a favorite team for.
It also had significance in High Schools, college, and professional ball, where as Soccer doesn't here. Not many high schools, where I live, compete in soccer. But we have football and baseball teams. Football is also the biggest thing going on during the fall and winter seasons, versus summer, which is baseball, mostly.
Boosts ATK of all characters by 3x and theirHP by 1.3x. Boosts the ATK of all characters by an additional amount depending on the lowest health one of your enemies has. Makes perfects a little easier to hit.[<70%: 3.5x, <50%: 4x, <30%: 4.5x]
Reduces HP of all enemies by 30% and deals 25% of the damage dealt in this way in fixed damage against all enemies. Both is by passing enemies barriers.
Opportunity to deal 6% of the damage dealt in this turn at the end of the turn in fixed damage.
If crew has 6 Slasher characters boosts Slasher character's ATK by 3.75x but sets crew's RCV to 0. While HP is above 50% and you deal over 3,000,000 damage in one turn with normal attacks, instantly defeat one random enemy.
Cut all enemy's HP by 25%, makes Slasher character's Type slots have matching slot effects for 1 turn and if crew HP is above 50% and this character is your captain (or Friend/Helper) boosts ATK and slot effects of Slasher character's by 2.25x for1 turn (boosts by 1.75x otherwise)
According to Research of Crimes in Japan, crimes committed by Koreans account for about 90% of entire crimes.This means that Koreans are not only dangerous but also enemies of society.
>>706 The Mafias in Japan called Yakuza are comprised mainly of Chinese and Koreans.The reason why they commit crimes is that their DNA contain Crime Gene!! Thus, we had best pay attention to Koreans.
>>706〜>>707 ネトウヨの駄文や 文法ミスとかないかチェックしてクレメンス あともう一つの方もいける? As is often the case with Koreanbeing, they eat their faeces,however human beings do not eat their faeces. Koreans eat faeces and human beings do not eat faeces, that is to say, Koreans are not human beings.
The brown-haired juvenile was the fallen solitary star, three wolf-like blond-haired wanderers kept pursuing the fallen solitary star trail, until they thoroughly took possession of him.
>>724 難しい空耳くらいにはなってるといいなというレベル 順番に (It's) kind of unusual to see him shaking his fist dirty enough to begin a performance. This is the man of the moment and he is native thankfully of Canada. ... excuse me ... これの前にも別な人が割り込んでなんか言ってるっぽいけど、さっぱりわからん conductって言ってるかなあ?
1 remember even if you've always felt that way at first, you've always survived & the feeling has faded
2 concentrate your attention outside yourself - everytime you feel self - conscious, make an effort to notice something new in your surroundings or the people you've with courage.
can't we just get along for once my god this is stupid we need to win as a kingdom not keep fighting I dont get why people can't put personal stuff behind them and move on like a grown man let's just all get along for kingdom16 because they aren't grown at all... lol... look at the way they act... reason I stopped playing years ago... I've only been back a cpl of wks and I can see nothing has changed. what a waste of a good *...
I will miss writing you in these days これはどういう意味でしょうか? その後はたくさん仕事があるからこれから忙しくなるみたいな事を言ってました。 ただ単にここ数日からはメール出来ないと言ってるのか、メールできなくなるから寂しいと言ってるのかどっちですか? miss doingで〜し損なうですよね?だから前者かなとも思うのですがわざわざmissを使うかなとも思うし...ちなみに相手は友達です。 私が好意を持ってるのを知ってると思います。英語は母国語ではありませんがほぼネイティブです。 短文すぎて申し訳ありませんがよろしくお願いします。
I suppose the same things as when you meet anyone - from how they look and sound and behave, to where they’re from, what they (dis)like and how they seem to be feeling at any given moment
The LEON3 processor is the closest comparison for an open source 32-bit general purpose processor and is about 1.5 times the size of Taiga (in slices), while Taiga clocks approximately 39% faster, this despite Taiga featuring a more flexible pipeline design.
It renders ineligible for federal parliament anyone who owes ‘allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizens of a foreign power’.
少し長いですがよろしくお願いします。 What people often forget is that even though they may understand the meaning behind something, other people arent always going to. If they're fine with confrontation, then that's where they are at, but when a person supports something that embodies a lot of negativity, then people are going to see them for what that is. Our president has literally shut down the government for the third time, because he's throwing a tantrum over not having money for his "wall" to keep people from Mexico from crossing the boarder. That negativity is what that shirt represents, whether that customer wants to see it that way, or not. And he seems like a nice man, once you watch the video, and the cashier is clearly in the wrong.
I've actually shown a couple of guys being stupid as to where the Satanic bible was in our store when I used to be super religious. I didnt care. One) I knew they didnt know jack shit about it, and Two) it's none of my business.
What people want to believe is their own business. I dont care. I have a family member who supports Trump. We don't always get alone, but we dont get like that
お願いします。 After 11 applications put in all over the Rosepine and DeRidder area, I finally had a job interview on Saturday. Yesterday I received the phone call to keep an eye out on my e-mail for the hire packet. Today I received the e-mail and filled the hire packet out. I'll be working at the Dollar General in Rosepine while doing my college classes online. I'm a determined mother and wife ❤ Thank you to everyone for your prayers and support
アメリカからの荷物が(安い送料なので)ドイツ経由で来るのですが 1ヶ月ほどかかっていてまだ来ません。 web追跡ではドイツ国内で三週間前からupdateが止まってしまってるので ドイツ国内で紛失したのですか?と問い合わせたら以下の内容が来ました。 Thank you for verifying your shipping information. Because this shipment did not receive a scan, tracking has not updated. Once arrived in the destination country, the shipment will be handed over to your local postal carrier for customs clearance and final delivery. If the order does not receive an arrival scan, tracking will not show improvement and we will not be able to locate the shipment. Have you attempted contacting your local postal carrier or customs office? If so, please let us know. Your orders local tracking number is *******
Okay y'all! Everyone knows that I don't post like this, but this sweetheart of a gentleman made my mom's and mine lunch outing yesterday. I remember he said his last name was Young. When he stated that he was from the Sugartown/Grant area I proudly told him of my lineage there. He knew Great-Grandpa Bodo Weldon, Pa Weldon, Paw Paw Cole (who he had no idea had passed away). He served in World War 2, is 97 years young, put a smile on Kristi-Ann's face by telling her that she was beautiful. He informed Mom and I that we made his day so much better by spending lunch talking with him. I don't care if it takes 5 seconds to say "hi, how are you?" or 5 minutes to have a wonderful, meaningful conversation with them; take some time to speak to the elderly. I enjoy every chance I get to do so! Especially at work!! It means more to me than money!! If y'all see Mr. Young say "hi". He needed our time with him yesterday ❤❤❤❤ P.S. Kristi-Ann was getting grumpy for her food. I didn't want her to disturb Mom and Mr. Young's conversation. I enjoyed watching and listening to them speak.
First of all, I go into the kitchen to take eggs out of the refrigerator when I wake up. This is my morning routine. Just two eggs which are to be topped with over my husband's and my bowls of rice. I put them onto a plate and then go brushing my teeth and washing my face. Fresh eggs just out of the fridge do not taste good. I always let them to room temperature since I heard that I could make a more fluffy omelet with them. Eggs sound more solid and heavier like ice if they are cold. The eggs became quiet on the white plate soon after making some mutual bounces with dull noises. Eating bread would be a help for me in the morning, but my husband complains that nothing other than rice is satisfying enough as a meal. I assumed that there would be an end to my patience at most in a year because he said when we got married that he would change his meal to bread when we had a baby. I did not expect that I had to set the electric rice cooker every morning for 5 years. Breaking the eggs over the table is one of my jobs. They are warmer than were just out of the fridge, but still colder than the little bowl. (snip) Giving it more stirs than usual, adding some soy sauce, then I let a little sound out, "Oh!" upon breaking my one.
As for me, I want to know why you've started learning English. To learn the lingua franka of the world? To impress your girlfriend? Cause you have nothing better to do? Let me know! Doesn't matter if your replies are in English or Japanese because I'll just throw it into google translate if I can't read it.
>>816 Hello a Canadian, Part of Japanese you wrote is not appropriate Japanese sentence. ただし should be modified to それでも And, the sentence following 多くのこと is not easy to understand, and lengthy. I would write as like google翻訳を使うからわかりにくいと思うけど、ネイティブが答えるから。
The reason I learn English is just that it is necessary for my study. Unable to read at some fast speed, I couldn't any thick books in English for my work. And, unable to write in English, I couldn't write anything important for my work.
>>817 Thanks for the correction. For the most part, I didn't proof read what came out of google translate. Wouldn't be able to anyway with the amount of Japanese I know. I'm pretty much just learning Japanese from duolingo and slowly memorizing kanji. I am planning on buying some more legitimate studying materials for Japanese if I can balance it with school. Is duolingo a meme here on this board?
Anyways, I'll be checking this thread on a somewhat daily basis. I am 13 hours behind Japanese time, so expect to not see a reply for a good while.
>>819 Sorry, initially I meant to make my own thread for asking me questions but the layout is just not what I'm used to. I'll move over to that thread, thanks!
今日のCNNの見出しなんですが、 Foreign minister says Iran hopes to avoid conflict, but "won't blink to defend our territory" in response to a US or Saudi strike. の 「in response to a US or Saudi strike」は直訳すると「アメリカやサウジ爆撃に応答して」なのですが、 爆撃されたのはサウジであってアメリカはそれをイランのせいにしているという状態です。 この直訳だと意味が通らないのでずかどういう意味なのでしょうか?
I am out of work, but I am reluctant to work hard. Hence I have no choice but to evade working hard. For the life of me, I am in a state of melancholy. I am almost the defeated remnant.
TOKYO -- Japan will likely ditch plans to invite Chinese President Xi Jinping as a national guest in June out of consideration for U.S. President Donald Trump, a vocal critic of Beijing's trade practices who is scheduled to visit the month before.
The increase came in a week when Mr. Murphy, encouraged by other measures that showed New Jersey making progress in fighting the virus, began to sketch out how the state might reopen in the weeks ahead.
NEW YORK TIMESのコロナ関連の記事です。 1行目のwhen以下は、主語がMr. Murphyで、述語はbegan to sketch outなのかなと思いますが、よく分かりません。
Hello, they are basically the same file. It is about 2 mount points directing to the same storage device and partition.
If you create something in one folder, it will show up in the other one. This also applies for deleting items.
If you delete something from the 0 folder, it will be deleted from the legacy folder. In that sense it is not a back up because any changes to one of the folders will immediately be applied to the second folder.
The items do not use more storage space (so there is no need to remove them). Effectively it is only available once, but shown twice.
前置きの文 Other thinkers have used different words to make a similar point. Schumpeter’s concept of pre-analytic vision was inspired by the ideas of sociologist Karl Mannheim whose observation in the late 1920s that,
※以下の翻訳お願いします。 ‘every point of view is particular to a social situation’ led him to popularise the notion that we each have a ‘worldview’ which acts as the lens through which we interpret the world.
第二文のNor has it for Xi Jinpingを文法的に教えて頂ければ有難いです。 和訳は下にある通りだと思います。
For those Chinese-Australians who retain vivid memories of ‘the nightmares of the past’ it hadn’t. Nor has it for Xi Jinping, who has instructed the party to spread Chinese culture abroad as a form of soft power.
In February 2017 anti-Communist Chinese-Australians mounted protests against the planned performance of a ballet named The Red Detachment of Women. The ballet glorifies the Red Army and romanticises the Communist Party. Carrillo Gantner, speaking for the sponsor, the Sidney Myer Fund, said that the ballet had ‘lost its propaganda power’. For those Chinese-Australians who retain vivid memories of ‘the nightmares of the past’ it hadn’t. Nor has it for Xi Jinping, who has instructed the party to spread Chinese culture abroad as a form of soft power.
Carrillo Gantner, speaking for the sponsor, the Sidney Myer Fund, said that the ballet had ‘lost its propaganda power’.
For those Chinese-Australians who retain vivid memories of ‘the nightmares of the past’ it hadn’t. 上記の文のitはthe balletでhadn'tは省略せずに書くとhadn't lost its propaganda power のこと。
Nor has it for Xi Jinping, who has instructed the party to spread Chinese culture abroad as a form of soft power.
Nor has it for Xi Jinpingはit(=the ballet)でIt(=the ballet)has not lost its propaganda power for Xi Jinping, either のこと。
2 [否定の節・文の後に用いて] …もまた…ない 《★【用法】 「nor+(助)動詞+主語」の倒置が起きる》. He hasn't arrived, nor has his wife. 彼は着いていませんが, 奥さんもまだです. “I didn't see it anywhere."—“Nor did I." 「私はそれをどこにも見なかった」「ぼくもだ」. I'm not going to buy it and nor is Tom. 私はそれを買うつもりはないし, トムも同様だ 《★【用法】 《英》 では nor の前に and や but を置くことがある》.
メジャーリーグの大谷選手に関するネイティブの人のコメントで、 ヤンキースのネスティという投手がほとんど反則みたいな投球モーションでなんとかして打者大谷を打ち取ろうとしている状況を指して Most fun AB of the year. と言っていました 「今年一番のABだな」と言っているんでしょうけど、このABが何なのかわからず文意がわかりません 当然ですが、他のネイティブはわかっているようでした 何なのでしょうか?
Geometrical feature, having one or more intrinsic characteristics, only one of which may be considered as a variable parameter, that additionally is a member of a “one parameter family”, and obeys the monotonic containment property for that parameter
>>858 それだと Game theory is not useful when decisions are made that decision makers ignore the reactions of others or treat them as impersonal market forces. じゃないとおかしくないですか? that節中で decisions が主語になっているのが意味がわからないのです
Game theory does not help in dealing with decision making in the circumstandings that players ignore others responce or that they treat them as if impersonal market power.