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"The 'Nobel Prize' should be abolished immediately."

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2022/01/03(Mon) 19:38:01.29
"There are many other fields of science besides physics, chemistry, medical physiology, literature and economics for which there are Nobel Prizes, but the Nobel Prize does not take into account any achievements in these fields.

It is unclear how and on what basis the selection of winners is made.

There have been cases where some people were awarded the Nobel Prize while others were not, even though they had done exactly the same work, making the award unfair.

There is a strong misogyny and racism in the Nobel Prizes, with a bias towards men and whites.

The Nobel Prize is also awarded for what is now considered fake science, such as lobotomies.

Since the Nobel Prize is well known to the general public, public funds are concentrated in research fields where the Nobel Prize is expected to be awarded, causing distortions in the distribution of research funds.

In the first place, unlike in Nobel's time, modern scientific research is conducted by a team of many people, and progress is no longer based on the achievements of a specific individual.

As a result, the Nobel Prize has brought various negative effects to science and must be abolished immediately."

This seems to be the reality.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
2022/10/27(Thu) 08:10:57.22

このスレへの固定リンク: http://5chb.net/r/sci8/1641206281/
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